An open letter to Solaire Capital re: new USDA regs

Hi Solaire Capital, got your message. I considered replying back to you but honestly, I think this is a better topic for the forum.

If i’m understanding you correctly, you are saying that there is nothing that I or my fellow small farmers can do about the new USDA regulations, we should just accept them and our lot in life and let the USDA infringe on our livelihoods? I think that’s the wrong attitude to take and I will remain vocal about these new regulations and continue to push my fellow hemp industry professionals to make their voices heard. Which, by the way, you can do right here.

You may think that we cannot affect change, but I would rather fight this with everything I’ve got than to throw my hands in the air and just give up.

Hemp farmers aren’t asking for much. Honestly, just pushing the THC limit to 1% and allowing for 30 days to harvest would go a long way for small hemp farmers, even if nothing else in these proposed regulations change.

Source: Phytonyx urges hemp farmers to oppose new USDA regulations

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