Myth busters did an episode on it like 10 years ago and their results where heavy metal grew the best. My thoughts are the soused waves may have an effect on the seams or leafs giving it a vibration. Kind of like when your tig welding. It gives off a high frenquency that if you have a light weight part it will start to vibrate if not clamped or Atleast held down.
I’m not a scientist or anything but it’s interesting the way it could affect your plants… Vibration, sound frequency, “energy” … I’ve started playing my girls this on replay
The Ghost Note Symphonies, Vol. 1
But I think the fans or blowers or winds whatever style your growing has air flow that vibrates the leaves… Are the sound waves just extra vibration? Or is the music sending different frequencies of energy to the plant
nice! Ill definitely check it out
Sounds like a heart beat for plants bro… Love it!
I haven’t hear that acoustic version. I like the intro to the first song.
That bio wave seams pretty cool. But sheesh for nearly $1000. I’m too skeptical for that lol says it repels infestations, helps it breath better,
I usually have sweet leaf on dial 11 (Polka Tulk Blues Band/Earth/Black Sabbath)
Like I said I’m thinking of it has a heartbeat…faster your heartbeat the faster you breathe the calmer you are the slower you breathe… But proven fact it does impact on your plants… Some fast beat rock n roll is like going to the gym for the plant … You can narrow it down to single desibles or frequencies or music notes but it’s still very interesting
Obviously a good speaker would be needed
And my old lady thought I was crazy a month ago playing sublime radio all day in the veg room. If I didn’t live in a small apartment I’d have that shit cranked up.
Nope tell her your not crazy lol… I have a Bose Bluetooth speaker setup