Anybody help identify these mites?

Hey I’ve come to water my plants today and when I did I noticed loads of what look like little mites in the soil… so I did a little research and found that some soil mites you want as they help break down organic soil!.. but I couldn’t identify them when I looked around the Internet so if any of you have seen them before I would appreciate any advice

Also the plant is in last stage of flowering and is due to be harvested anytime in the next week or so
Sorry for the bad pics I couldn’t get a decent pic

I managed to get a better picture my main worry is my other plants as this is the only one near harvesting

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Those are not mites, they are larva of some kind, pics are not good enough to identify. I’m basing it on the white spots in the photo. Did you use any insect frass


@sssportsmfg after doing a little more digging on the Internet I was thinking they where gnat larva witch makes sense as they live on the top of soil

A few places have said a soap water mixture will get rid of them but I don’t know how that would effect the plant

They look like maggots.

I know that fungus gnats are way smaller. Is your plant wilting at all…there’s so bad nemotodes out there but so many kinds…

What are you growing in? Many soils have organic components and attract flies and such.

Soap and water is your friend. You can do a soil drench with mosquito bits which I use religiously just to keep fungus gnats away if it were gnats or in the future

I’m not able to ID them all…


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Put them in a glass jar with some of that soil and see what hatches, then you will know exactly what they are by their mature insect stage. In the meantime if they aren’t hurting your plants don’t worry it. If you have them in the rest of your grow spray them with something like Safers soap which blocks their breathing holes and kills them. Savers is safe for your plants and won’t hurt the final product.


Whatever they are they are eating something in the soil. Makes my brain spin. I wonder whats going on here. Will you keep us very updated @silverskittle ?