I use lady bugs on one grow site I am doing right now. they are doing a great job
Hi @tsh60048, can you tell me more about what the lady bugs are doing on your grow site and some pros/cons of using them versus more conventional methods?
I walked into a buddy house and was checking out his grow, and found lady bugs. at first I was like why??
but find out they eat spiders etc. so on a small room grow that’s not for much except me,so I tried out
Hi tsh60048
Are you finding that they are reproducing in the grow room, any egg clusters or larvae ?
Hey this is super interesting that you are using lady bugs in your grow operation. Can you tell us more for what your using them for exactly i.e. pollination, pest control, etc?
I saw a buddy do it so I just experimented.I have only tried once. theoretically the pros are the lady bugs eat other reproductive pest that may be on your plants. not using pesticides is the goal. only female bugs are used so there is no reproduction. . again I’m no pro with this Theory I just tried it out. at the end change the temp a bit lady bugs leave the plants and your bug free.
Thank you for your response! Do you see any negatives to using the lady bugs? Care, waste, obviously reproduction problems are eliminated but any other issues? Do the lady bugs have long enough life span to last the growth term of the plan?
No I believe only females
I use them all the time in my regular garden. They are voracious predators and they eat a lot! I would recommend keeping lady bugs as it is a natural pest control. Good luck!
I know I couldn’t be the only one