Anyone juicing?

I was at Whole Foods the other day. I go there sometimes to shop, but more often I go there to get scraps for composting from the juicing department - they have some of the best!
Anyway, on occasion, I also like to juice at home… juice up some fan leaves, throw in a freshly cut bud or two for flavor, add some carrots… and I"ve just created a very nice, very exotic drink. I love it. And there seem to be many health benefits as well.
Does anyone else personally do this?
Is there anyone here that’s seen freshly squeezed canna-juice being sold commercially?
If not, maybe someone will start a business with this golden idea :blush:


I am a juicer. Guilty as charged.

To your second point: personal cultivation is very restricted in AZ even for medical patients (those patients residing within 25 miles of an operating dispensary are prohibited from personal cultivation) however, I have seen dispensaries here in the state selling rooted clones for the purposes of live juicing. I am not 100% on the legality of the practice but I support the efforts of anyone trying to live a healthy lifestyle :grinning:

Aside from the many health benefits of juicing raw fruits and veggies, because the buds that you are putting into the juice are not decarbed, most of the THC remains unactivated and in its THC-A form. This means the majority of the THC is non-psychoactive, making juicing an appropriate choice for many patients not interested in achieving a buzz from their buds.

Great topic!


@memberdirectory, is anyone juicing?




Juicing indeed!


Cannajuice food truck. That would be cool.


Yilo used to sell clones for juicing, but that was shut down a few years ago. Where else has them? I’d love a clone.


Yes, the 25 mile rule is completely prohibitive - so unless you’re outside 25 miles or work for a dispensary, than your chances are not so good for getting material. I am curious though, if in other states, especially rec states, if it’s possible to get juiced canna like one would get juiced carrots, a la Whole Foods.

@Growernick, do you have any recipes you like?

And yes, it’s non-psychoactive. Not a lot of research into the health benefits, though. Loads of anti-oxidents. Perhaps anti-inflammatory. I’d love to hear how others are using it.


I jui8ce apples and carrots with fresh cut cannabis leaves, so yummy. As for whole foods, I only go there for the cheese, everything else is a bit over priced for my pocket book.
but dat cheese…mmm


In the morning I like to add an apple, pineapple, kale, spinach, frozen strawberries and frozen acai, about a handful of leaves and buds. With all the sweet ingredients I can balance out some other veggies in the mix.


Definitely big on the morning smoothies and afternoon juices…doesn’t get any better than that, although now that we are talking about cannajuice, I can’t even start to imagine what I have been missing all those years!! The unfortunate thing - if you don’t grow your own plants, it isn’t very easy to get your hands on some cannajuice!

@Growernick @Herbert_Ashe @mwmzx6 @amy how does it taste? does it have a strong bud taste?


A bit strong chlorophyll taste, but Ive grown to like it thinking about all the goodies packed in those bitter leaves.


thanks @mwmzx6

the + of juicing would be the get the benefits of the THC-A?


I always love the taste…but I love the taste of bud so maybe that has an influence on all the gustatory delight :fire:


The benefits that I’ve read about point to canna juicing having loads of antioxidnants, s well as a great source of vitamins and nutrients like Folate (essential for DNA repair), Iron (essential for moving oxygen through the blood), Calcium (essential for strong bones), Vitamin C (essential for immune function), Vitamin K (essential for blood clotting and calcium absorption), And then there’s cannabinoid acids - which may aid in pain relief, much like an Ibuprofin.

As for flavor, yes, there;s a chlorophyllic bitterness to it, which isn’t bad, and this can be also softened if you can add some nice fresh buds full of terpenes, which add a floral essence to the flavor. I make my drinks, not as often as I’d like - I must say, with carrots, which adds a nice sweetness to the drink. All in all it’s quite tasty!


No I’d like to though.


Get on it! Juicing is awesome! And your endocannabinoid system will love you for it :grinning:


I never tried juicing, but you all made me excited to try a glass of it. @Herbert_Ashe @Growernick @mwmzx6

I only boil some leaves or buds up, and sometimes mix it together as much as it’s enough for one cup, and then drink it like tea. But, sometimes I make two cups, that it depends accordance with my mood & the availability of the quantity for making that.

Preferring to do that once I get up anytime.


I’ve done some juicing of clean fan leaves, before the plant is budding. Tastes terrible, lol, but put it in ice cube trays and you have a nice little juice shot to add to smoothies etc.


I have juiced in the past. I don’t have access to fresh plant material now, in an area that makes it pretty inaccessible unless you have lots of $$$$ to throw at setting up your grow for 6 plants.

Juicing fresh cannabis gives us access to all the 400+ cannabinoids that are found in the plant. Juicing leaves and buds is ideal, mixed with your favorite juicing recipe helps with the taste.

Dr. William Courtney has made his wealth of information available on this subject. He has been working, researching and lecturing on the medical side for a very long time. After following his work for at least 15 years, I would say that he was the leading edge of endocannabinoid system research.

Juicing fresh cannabis is the ideal method of delivering healing to people with autoimmune disorders. The issue is that the material has to be fresh, no more than three days old.