Arizona Grow

All of my Arizona growers, be smart and drink water, NOT alcohol. Dehydration is no joke, heat shock comes quick and kills.




I like this track so much I put it on my own page today:

I have a lot of respect for Zillakami because he took a chance and bet on himself and won big!


@PreyBird1 these beans of yours have only seen 200w. I can’t wait to show them 680w. Grower’s Choice ROI lights, thank you again friend!


Ha haaa its like a jungle in there! Sweet!


Looking really good skinny man. Looking forward to seeing these in flower.


Two of the adults had fallen over in the middle of the night. Guess it’s getting close to time, better make me a drying locker. It makes me very happy to need aerial support for these ladies, they weren’t a failure after all :slight_smile:


Hey nothing like finding your nice sticky trichrome covered buds on the floor! Uggg that shit makes me so mad! I have had it happen when the plant gets really dry media then shes top heavy! This is why i love plant YO-YOS’S
I have like 100 of them. There great in an emergency and just a tip: make roof hanging lines of that green plant wire. so you can hook them up high and slide them off easily. Also these are dangerous…do not pull the line out and then unlock it. It will shoot back and maybe hit you in the eye…aske me how i know! Lol i wear grow light glasses always but i damn near got my own eye. There spring loaded and if your pulling down and it slips watchout!


I haven’t signed off since 2 May, but it doesn’t show after periods of inactivity.


I went over to the Lion’s house and ate a handful of edibles. I then went back over to my house and smoke the bowl, and sent my wife a text message asking if she and my son had plans for dinner today. She replied by telling me that I had my son today which I had apparently forgot so I ran out the door to go pick him up from school. Thankfully I got here on time and the edibles haven’t kicked in yet, it’s going to be a fun afternoon.

The last time I took these I had a dream I couldn’t breathe and it got so bad that I woke up to realize that I actually couldn’t breathe to also realize that I couldn’t roll over. As I was trying to breathe and starting to gasp I began thinking to myself is this how I’m going to die? Finally, I was able to get my foot to start moving and once I did that my leg was able to free up and then I rolled over and took a huge breath.


Damn, that’s scary!
Sounds like you went well beyond couch lock to lung lock…
Back off on that a bit…


Yeah Skinny. Take it easy man. :v:


I simply fell deep into my sleep, on my stomach, after my edibles had kicked in.

They were pretty intense, I honestly was struggling to figure out how to move, but like I said as soon as I could roll over I was breathing like crazy.

I’m not fat or anything, 5’11" 180 lbs. Same circumstances for a drunk, don’t sleep on your stomach.


Ur skinny.


Well I was just explaining the circumstances in greater detail. If I had been some 600 lbs dude who ate edibles and couldn’t roll over that would make sense :wink:


Can’t believe how nice 105° feels in comparison to 113°


Here’s my take (and, by the way, I hate throwing away plastic, too) … I have fabric bags and I love them. I bought some of the white plastic bags and they were fine. The benefit of fabric bags, for me, is the handles. The white bags don’t have handles. It’s important to me because I grow outside and I have to lug these things around the yard, especially when the rains begin. At the end I have to lug them into the house when bud rot is suspected to begin.

This year, I’m growing autos for the first time and since I have no idea what I was doing, they started flowering already in their solo cups. LOL. So, no lugging necessary. I’m going to do a second grow in a couple of weeks and I’ll have the time to care and tend for them. Not to mention, do some research on how to grow autos!!! It was such a huge change from last years grow that took over a hundred days to sex my plants. They grew from April/May to October. Totally different animal.

FWIW … Chris aka Samantha :green_heart: :seedling:


I just got chills and am freaked out by your story. Personally, I’d move. LOL … not that there’s anything wrong with it …


Hey I touched base with my wife who managed to have screen shot what she found years ago when she did this search. I was also able to blur out my address on the upload. Enjoy the history.


EDIT - The author didn’t write this in today’s society. There are some potentially offensive words in the document.

Just realized that Rhonda Faye and I have birthdays days apart. I totally spaced the twins, that’s probably who I see all the time. I don’t SEE them, I mean I see things in turning, silhouettes that are gone instantaneously. This house is fine, my son and I share it.


I’m going to have to wait til daylight to read this. I’m totally the person who literally can’t go into another room alone after feeling an eerie feeling and I’m feeling an eerie feeling. Now my boyfriend is going to have to go everywhere I go tonight LOL. Kitchen, bathroom, you name it. I got chills, they’re multiplying … LOL … I’m glad you sent it and I want to read it but it has to be done in bright sunlight. LOL. :see_no_evil: :anguished: :hear_no_evil: :no_mouth: :speak_no_evil: :grimacing: :seedling: Sixth Sense still gets me even years later …