Ask Me Anything w/ Susan Chicovsky from Green Mountain Harvest Dec 27 at 11am MST

Is this true of all trimming companies? I’m on a few Colorado Industry job sites on Facebook and the amount of trimmers on there that have horror stories of not being paid, owed paychecks for work done, etc, was pretty surprising (by other companies mind you, not you guys.) I pointed a few people to the Colorado Department of Labor and the Colorado Wage Act concerning those matters (I hope it helped,) but all of that should be legally documented anyways, right?

Are fly-by-night’s still a concern for the trimming industry here or is that a trend on the decline in your opinion? Craigslist trimmer beware?

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@Roxanne. That is thought provoking question. About 1/4 our companies want the product wet trimmed and the rest want dry trim. First it depends on the curing process. This is an individual choice of the grower and owners.
The product is often taken off the stem (its called deboning or schucking) for a trim machine. There are some great dry trim machines that have shown up in the last couple years. During the dry trim process, the trimmer must be diligent about following the growers instructions. So jobs want a tight trim and others want a loose trim. Its all about their customers.

So I am not sure there are 5 distinctions. This may be a question more for a grower. GMH’s motto and branding is that we trim to your needs. Which really means as a service provider, show me what you want and we will make it happen.


I see the industry changing immensely since I began in 2010. Production is most important now due to the cost of producing the cannabis and the fluctuation of the price of a pound of cannabis. Creating strategic partnerships and diversifying compliments any business. These come about by networking, networking and more networking. Operating more as a collective consciousness that single unit.
Wow you ask really great questions. Thanks Roxanne!


What % of weight do you see finished flower/trim?


Hello Trey. Welcome to our discussion. The average is about 80% evaporation rate of the pound. I have seen as high as 90% on certain jobs. Is this the answer to your question?

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We machine trim most of ours unless the business wants hand trimmed. I am always curious what % different machines and methods offer. I realize there are tons of variables

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No more the difference in flower and trim so 1lb of raw flower would = 12 oz of flower and 4oz of trim/extract. Does this make sense?

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I am better versed in hand trimming than machine trimming. From what I have seen its still about the same evaporation rate for wet. As you know there are some great machines out there that don’t waste any of the product. Thanks

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Ok I see what you are saying. Different strains produce different equations on this factor. So its going to vary depending on the curing process and how the buds are formed. I have seen kolas the length of a mans forearm which lose very little when trimmed and broken down. I have seen plants that have 40 - 50 % larf and and small buds without much density. So I don’t think there is an average, again depends on the plant and how its pruned and grown.


Thanks so much for taking the time and answering all the questions.


@greenmountainharvest as a female in the cannabis industry, what would you say are some of the bigger challenges you have faced?


My pleasure, Happy Holidays.

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When I began in 2010 there were maybe a handful of women in the industry. I am happy to say this has changes quite a bit over the last few years.

One big issue is that some people have seen niceness and honesty as a fault and tried to take advantage of myself and GMH. Its important to know a person can be nice, have integrity and be honest and not stand down for unprofessional behavior. I have a mother bear in me that protects my family, my work family and my business. Since I am an older woman with 42 years of business experience I have faired quite well in the industry. Must be the grandmother image.


@greenmountainharvest What are some of your favorite parts about running a very successful trimming company?

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I love the service end and meeting new people. Traveling has been awesome. I have spoken at many national conventions and held workshops. I have spent time With the minister of Marijuana from Israel. Then met with his advisor for a weeks tour of Colorado Cannabis businesses. It was insightful. I got to speak at the Senate sub committee in Nevada about the need for ancillary cannabis businesses. I have been on TV about 5 times.
Once again meeting fabulous people is what I love to do.


If it’s not too bold to ask, is there anything you’d care to share that you DON’T particularly like about this industry as pertaining to your services offered? Anything that gets under your skin as a professional that you find gets in the way or keeps rearing its head that you wish would fix itself or have an easy solution offered?

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That is impressive! :clap:

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@greenmountainharvest What are your thoughts on the how the industry will look 5 years from now given the increase of recreational states and countries, and the increase of regulations on cannabis production?


@Jordan I figured you would get to this one. YES I am really discouraged by some employees behavior in the last year and a half, things have really changed. I have employees that have been with me for up to five years which is highly unusual in this industry. A small percentage of the newer employees just don’t show up, call out, quit without notice etc. I have checked with the other legal trim companies and they are seeing the same thing.

It jeopardizes the company and jobs when this happens. We book our jobs based on plants and people so when one doesn’t show up it puts a lot of pressure on the team.

I have hired folks that appeared to be awesome and then this other side shows up. I have had employees for 42 years and have never seen this kind of behavior is such excess.

The good news is that I have an exceptional team and we get the job done. Its a privilege and sacred to be able to work with cannabis in a legal industry. I wish more folks would remember this.


great question!

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