Autos and Photos

I popped a few Autos that a flowering under 18/6 light. The rest of my ladies are Photos and not quite ready to switch to 12/12. Maybe 2 or 3 more weeks. When I do switch will it cause the Autos to herm? They will have been flowering for 6 or 7 weeks by then. Or should I just wait to switch until after the Autos are done?


Changes in light schedule shouldn’t hurt your autos, but fewer hours of light may reduce your yield some.


Excellent! That is what I was hoping.


I am brand new to growing! I now have three 2 gal pots each with an auto seedling in my 2.3 x 2.3 tent. That’s what I am doing with the exhaust on, circulating fan on and one vent at the bottom open. RH is 50 and temp is 75F. Are you ok with 24/0 lights? I’ve heard they don’t need a rest but some people disagree. Thanks! (See my journal for more details! Any advice welcome!!!)

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Welcome to a new, all consuming (<- that is a pun right there) hobby/lifestyle!

A friend of mine only grows Autos and runs his light 24 hours a day. He gets decent but not spectacular results but everyone else I know of (a very small sample admittedly) give them some rest hours every day.


So do they do any better than the 24 hr grows? (with 4 hours of rest)

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I really don’t know. Like I said it is just one guy who happens to do his light 24/7 with no dark. There are too many other variables in play to make any statement about one method being better than the other.

Running the lights around the clock just feels a little intense for my sensibilities. I am a more relaxed “everybody needs a little rest now and then” kind of grower in training. I might change it I see evidence that it helps dramatically. I just have a feeling that if it worked really well many more people on this forum would be doing it.

Just my $.02


:point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2: This right here :point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2:


I run my autos on an 18/6 schedule. I ran them 20/4 for a little while. Didn’t make any noticeable difference with the lights I had at the time. Might try it again though. I’ve actually been thinking about trying the 6/2 schedule @Arrow has been testing on his photos.


I unfortunately had to abandon my inside grow due to a spider mite infestation, the time I did spend on it, the growth rate was insane due to the 3 rest periods per cycle the plants were getting. My good friend @oldguy started to use the cycle as well…and his growth just exploded in a very short time…hit him up for a more detailed grow report on the schedule. I personally will stick to this schedule for all my future grows. The research I have done also proves this to be an extremely viable schedule …:sunglasses::v:


Well I am going to try some auto’s after 20 years of not growing them. Did them as a stealth grow way back when as they couldn’t determine what you were doing if you just had a constant electric draw for 24 hours a day. I was just hoping you saw the difference between the grows and which was the best results. Thanks!


So you were growing your photos with a 6 on 2 off 6 on 2 off lighting? Do you still go to 12/12 for flower?


Yes sir…12/12 for flower works great … a couple of us are moving over to 11/13 now… :wink::sunglasses::v:


So how much difference did you see during the veg with the 6/2 schedule? And have you completed a complete grow from start to finish with the 6/2 then 12/12? Thanks!


I personally have not…you may look on my thread for a one week difference in my clones or refer to my friend @oldguy , he’s just done a complete veg and is about to flip to 11/13…:wink::sunglasses::v:


Cool, I will keep and eye on both your grows…I love this place lol!