What I’m curious about is what u did to your soil to go directly in ground like that, my yard is just compact sand so ran fabric grow bags this year
I have a duck pond next to my greenhouses and garden that over flows into the garden every couple of years I dig the pond out and dump the spoils into my garden. I mix that into the existing soil along with organic soils and mulch. Then peet and perlite. mycorrhizae and dolomite lime and crushed oyster shells. I add bone meal and molasses and tribus. I been using the pond mud for my garden soil for 15yrs. This year is the first time using tribus.
I built the 10x12 right on top of my garden.
Very nice pond
Just finished trimming and bagging the Black Widow from my 5x10 greenhouse. Just under 3lbs plus a few oz’s of larf and a couple oz’s clipped earlier. Lots of big rock hard buds.
Found another 5oz’ of Black Widow that my wife had trimmed. Right now I’m working on the 2 Banana Kush in the big greenhouse. I had to toss quite a bit due to worms and mold/bud rot. Probably end up with about 1.5lb’s of smokable buds and a bunch for concentrates and bubble hash. The Banana kush in the 5x10 is almost ready
Awesome looking banana buds:facepunch:
Harvested 2/3 of a Banana Kush it took me and a friend about 8 hours to wet trim, wash and hang most of it. Some of the bigger branches I just hung to dry after clipping off he fan leaves. She still has about a lb worth of buds growing
Geeesh! Pulling pounds of banana it seems! Nice work!
This is all from one plant
This is what’s left of it still growing about 25% of the whole plant maybe a little less. Gonna give it a week or maybe a little longer.
nice. Is this your roof? what temps are you getting? and is that a dehumidifier and/or air conditioner to regulate humidity and temps?
That’s a 10x16ft storage shed I have a heater and a humidifier in there I try to keep the temp around 72 and the humidity around 60%
Finally harvested the rest of the Banana Kush. I let approx 20% of the plant go an extra 2 weeks.
This is some of it.
They are a little expensive but check out Infinity Jars for keeping your rosin fresh. I put all my hash and rosin in them and keep them cold. Keeps product nice and tasty for a really long time.
Nice color to those. Care to share the recipe? My first two batches set up on me. Think I’m using too much rosin
I pressed some kief then put 1g of rosin in a shot glass and put it in the oven for 30 minutes at 225 then I added 2ml of #710 liquidizer and mixed it while the shot glass was hot. Then filled carts. It was the 1st time I made my own carts