My thoughts are that higher Brix levels in Cannabis results in the following:
Generally speaking, insects prey on weak plants. Plants grown with URB Organic are much stronger than conventionally grown plants as evidenced by high Brix, Chlorophyll and protein levels. I am going to address the powdery mildew solution in another post but it also correlates to higher Brix levels
I think Brix levels are a key indicator of how healthy a plant is. Higher Brix levels (predominantly natural sugars) typically correspond to higher nutrient levels within the plant. An interesting correlation can be made with a farmer growing lets say,for an inside joke about having to talk about “dank” tomatoes at your grow store…
Tomatoes- A tomato with higher Brix content translates greater nutrient absorption in the body. Due to the combination of higher nutrients and greater absorption, a high Brix tomato has 5 times the nutrient value of a low Brix tomato. Meaning you would have to eat 5 tomatoes from Wal-Mart to get the same nutrient levels and benefits to your body as an Organic tomato from whole foods.
We have done studies that have shown significant increases in Brix levels on tons of crops. The question here is what about Cannabis?
We are going to have this studied, but I think it is easy to make the assumption that Higher Brix levels are going to increase all of the desirable traits of Cannabis flowers. Just as it does in the flowers of any other plant. Brix is an indicator of a happy healthy plant. The healthier a plant is the better it is able to serve its main purpose which is to flower. All of the benefits above are associated around the purpose of the flower, terpenes for example serve multiple functions… one of which is to repel predators and lure pollinators. This is important to the continuation of the species of the Cannabis plant, of course the more resources it has, the happier and healthier it is the more energy it is going to put into that key function which serves to help the continuation of its species.
That is my two cents on Brix.
As far as URB Organic and brix levels go… I have no data in relation to cannabis but here is a Michigan State University test on a few crops which measured chlorophyll changes (chlorophyll can be translated to quality…or higher brix levels) and yield increase using URB…
Michigan State University
Testing was performed by Michigan State University which measured the chlorophyll changes (as well as yield) in a variety of crops.
The testing compared 50% fertilizer with the addition of URB product (T1) to 50% fertilizer only (T2) and to URB product alone (T3).
F2 (see the key to the chart) is URB Organic product which, when used alone (T3), is the clear winner in chlorophyll content (and yield).
More importantly, T3 (URB product alone) obtained higher chlorophyll levels (and yields) than URB product with 50% fertilizer (T1), which did better than fertilizer only (T2); Please note, as the amount of fertilizer was reduced, the chlorophyll levels (quality) went up.