Budget grow

I want to start growing while starting out on a limited budget. Any advice avout cheap seeds and equipment or how to and what to please any information will be appreciated.


bag seeds and kill lots :slight_smile:

learn to grow them well outside/inside what have you

after that buy the best genetics money can buy and pay the price

here these can grow weed


for not much money

good luck and grow well



Ok cheap is ok during seedling and small veg. But flowering needs a decent light. Whats your budget?

This link will help you understand all the equipment you need to have for a successful grow.

Dont buy anything until you come back here and show us so you dont get suckered into crappy equipment. We will help you so ask us in case and ask us first before you buy. I wasted loads of money on equipment and once i learned what i needed and got quality equipment your grow can only get better.
And welcome to the forum @jhrdcr13


Search marketplace for led grow lights I’m sure u will find some on there for half to third the cost of new maybe even cheaper. Hell I can find 1400 dollar lights by me for 4 to 600 each one flower run only on them. Also lots of 550 and600rspec for 150 to 300 each. If u want good used with warranty check out hlg lighting they have a section for remanufactured ones for lots cheaper but r basically brand new after they finish them. Not as long of warranty as brand new but still hella worth it. Hlg has the best customer service of any lighting group.ive heard of so far with fast replies and if issues arise they r on top of it quick fast and in a hurry to keep u satisfied. There r plenty of cheaper lights or off brand that will do a great job but if u have a problem with them good luck getting it replaced or fixed if u can even get a hold of customer service to get a claim going. Hope u find what u need but as prey said. A good light in flower is def needed or u will have disappointing flower at the end. May look sweet.but won’t be as sweet as they look. Lol.


I appreciate ur response. My budget is about 150-200 for now. I wanna learn the process as cheap but good as possible as i can for now. I really know nothing about growing yet but once i do it and see the process im sure ill learn to grow great bud.


Phlizon pl2000 is a descent light. I have 2 of them ,Amazon has them for 129$. I also have the pl3000 and a pl4500 and have had them for 3 years no complaints. I’ll tag you on my journal and you can see the 3000 & 4500 in action. the 2000’s I use in my tent which is not currently up. :+1::+1::v:


Well depending on how big an area u wanna play with now. Pholzon is okay light but there are better hlg spider farmer and mars hydro are all better than pholzon are as they use better chips in the boards. Seek marketplace and find some led lights that use lm301h or lm301b light chips


Well damn. Imagine what I could do with a good light!!! :joy::rofl: I’m just messing with ya brother @Mark0427 …but on a serious note I’ve done well with these lights … light budget is small and it’s a descent light for the price. I’m not a fan of market place grow equipment. Been burned before on lights hence why I have these. The whole ….and I quote…. it was only used for one grow is “usually bs” , they just clean them up real nice. And it’s not like they have an hour meter on them , so they can look like new and still have multiple grows on them. I will buy used… but I don’t do used lights from people I don’t know … Nothing like being a month and half into flower and the used light you just bought 3 months prior dies and you have to scramble to find a replacement Just my 2 cents… :+1::+1::v:

2 lights pl3000 and pl4500 8x11 room cheap flat white painted walls concrete floor that is mostly black from the glued when it was tiled covered with some cheap white plastic from the local hardware


buy the right used light :slight_smile: know what a good driver is for LEDs, know what a good strips/Diodes is

I have bought mostly used lights over the years, buy high end use equipment will save you bucks

that being said I am talking about HID lights, I just redid my grow room the first of this year

went from 5800 watts of mixed HPS/MH double end lamps to 1900 watts of LED strip lighting

I build the lights myself using Meanwell drivers and 4 foot BridgeLux strips

ended up the total cost was just under a dollar a watt

1900 watts is the real power of my lights and I am cover an 8 foot by 16 foot room

took a $400+ light bill a month down to $100+ a month

good luck with whatever light you go for but inside light is so important to healthy plants

want big buds? you need healthy plants

grow well and be safe



Do u think the fox farm soil and fertilizer package would be good enough for my first time grow? If ur not familiar with it, u get soil and 3/12 oz bottles of some nutrients.


FF has to be flushed frequently where as this don’t this can be used with any medium and this goes a long ways I’ll go thru FF bottles pretty fast compared to this stuff

Jack’s Nutrients Calcium Nitrate Fertilizer 15-0-0 (Part A and B Dual Pack, 4.4 Pounds Total (2 Pack))


I think one grow maybe? Whats the bottle say is the fertilizing amount you need to a gallon. That will tell us the info we need to decide. Because you could use it faster?? I like to use dakine420 nutrients. But thays what i like after trying like 7 kinds/brands. One starter kit is $40 and what @Mark0427 posted is really budget friendly. But if you wanted to try any dakine420 products i can get a discount for you.

Check out this link


And sorry i work 11hrs a day so sometimes im slow to repond.


The soil n fertilizer is being delivered so im not sure of the amounts suggested yet. I got a 2x2 600 watt light, should that be enough for 4 plants?


will cover a 4 foot by 4 foot footprint nicely :slight_smile: watch for too much light

all the best and be safe
