Cal + mag debate? Flush or feed?

Ok so my brother uses cal+mag. He has a technique he likes and uses. I use cal+mag and i have a technique i like. His gets great results. And i get great results. Theres a debate going on at his “chat room” about which is better to do? What works best for you Gn folks? Here are the ways we use them.
Me: I use cal+mag in 10g-15g at every feeding have been for years. I’ve Never had a cal+mag deficiency.
Him: He is using cal+mag as part of the weekly fresh water flush. Cal+mag in the flush water. His forum swears by it! Hes never had a cal+mag deficiency.
I didnt get into the debate but it did me wondering about it more?

What say Yee GN?


I do like your brother does and add cal mag to fresh water along with some GPN plant guard. Haven’t had any issues with deficiencies. Knock on wood.

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Nice. My nutrients manufacturer says use as needed. So i give just a little. I dont like manufacturer feed charts. Im not a chart grower. I use Just like a maintenance additive.


Ya same here I use their charts as a guideline on what stuff at what time but start low low and work my way up. I try to rite down what I added in my log book and tweak until I see what I like.


I never used to keep notes and my plants showed it was always shit. But I have been doing my best to keep track of my nutrients and I can say I am having a lot better success. Still need some tweaking but I’m getting there lol.


Nice thats how we learn to be real “growers” not chart growers. Then you could walk into a room of plants and look at them and go ok this is what the plants need.


I hardly use calmag, I use it now and again to make myself feel better lol Epsom and seabird guano is my calmag. Never used any charts for anything and my thinking is if you did use a chart do about half lol My two cents on calmag :facepunch:t2:


Dolomite Lime is used in my soil recharge. I also use Lobster meal (Calcium) and Langbeinite (mag) - I have a bottle of CalMag that I hardly ever use.

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I just add my cal mag to my regular feed but cut it off the last 4 weeks of bloom

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