CAL-MAg to the grow? Do's and Donts

Started my first grow back in July, got two clones from dispensary in California. Starting week 4 of flower on Sept 4. So i’m worried about my little buds not growing to their full potential.

here are some pics of the grow…just two plants


I like to open up the canopy with some LST,MST and by cleaning up all the lower leaves that are not letting full spectrum to hit the smaller bud sites in the lower part/D level or grade sites. This will help with better air flow through the canopy as well. I hope that I was of some kind of help.


Your picture looks good and healthy. If your whole girl looks like the top picture you don’t need to give her calmag today. Nice and lushies green.


yeah… if those are your top colas, your not doing to great. whats your setup?

@ultrapuff ehhh what? 2x4x5…286 Watts LED Full Spectrum With 100 Watt flowereding bulbs in the middle. What issues do you see? These pics are from today and those r the tops of a few colas but still on wk 3, most ppl would probably consider it wk 1 but i swicthed the lighting about 3wks ago…some ppl dont like to start flowering count until they see buds development…whats your take?

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havent cleaned them up in about a week, usually leave the lower fan leaves so it makes kind of a skirt around the lower plant but i didnt do that before snapping the pics

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Are you in coco? soil? Im in Coco and give a half dose of cal mag at every feeding. But I also start with 0 ppm water. Also everyone ive talked to says start counting from the flip. If you have to add weeks you do it at the end, not the begining, meaning, you dont stay on week one of the feed chart until you see buds, you continue on to week 2,3, etc. then once you get to week 8 and you still have 4 weeks left, you would repeat the feed for week 8 until flush or whatever.


What nutrients are you running on this grow?

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Why the need to add Cal Mag. Your leaves and buds are looking fine. What nutrients are you giving her for the next couple weeks?

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70/30-444 and 284-veg
50/50-444 and 284-same day as flipping lights to 12-12
70/30-284 and 444-mid flower(week 4ish)

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i believe it actually caused by the spider mites…here are some pictures!
Last picture maybe the best to show the colors on the leaves fading…also maybe low on nutes? add more?
IMG_6345|240x320 IMG_6346 IMG_6343 IMG_6348 IMG_6347 (1)


No looking fine, the tips are burning so you might too many nutes already. Spider mites?

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I believe a steady feeding of cal-mag is essential, especially since a magnesium deficiency can take 4-6 weeks before our plants start showing any signs.

Dealt with them using rosemary and cinnamon. Getting nematodes for next go around to prevent them. Infestation didn’t look bad at all but it looks like they might have affected the buds


What about silica. How often or do you use silica at all. I was told in here it helps the stems get bigger.

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I’ve always used a 1/2 strength dose of silica every time I feed starting in Veg till the end of flower, to help strengthen my plants cell walls. Silica also helps with resin and terpene production in our flowers.


Question… Do you have to use these additives when using soil such as sohum ff or roots o? Thank you for any info

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i do not, just soil

Get some magnified pictures from under side of the leafs. Check for very small black spots that move and White eggs near the leaf veins. Also look for “webbing” between the leafs and plants, To confirm spidermites.

Happy Growing :seedling:

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ive done alot of that actually and the undersides look great and the new foilage looks healthy. Just changing how i “strike” them lol so i can try different methods. as of now everything is looking ok besides some leaves with minor issues.