Calculating MG of THC per serving - HELP


Please help me calculate MG of THC per serving, I feel like my formula is right but 98 MG of THC per serving for this batch of gummies sounds very high.

|A)|I’m starting out with 38 grams of flower.|
|B)|Converting grams to milligrams.|
|C)|The % of THC.|
|D)|I multiply the % of THC and total milligrams to get milligrams of THC.|
|E)|I am factoring 20% loss of THC for decarb or evaporation.|
|F)|# Of servings.|
|G)|Milligrams of THC after 20% loss divided by the number of servings to get per serving.|


Welcome to the forum. This is a link to the one I use. You also need to know how much infused liquid or butter you’re using.

I evap. EToH extraction/winterized & buchner filtered and use 600-800mg/gm (empirical range I find a lot of references too)… so generically I use the average 700mg/gm.

If you know the percentage of THC in your flour, just add a zero to the percentage and that’s how many milligrams you have of THC per gram of flower

So if you have flower that is 20% THC you will have 200 mg of THC per gram of flower. This comes straight from the directions and the information that I received with my ardent decarboxylater.


So if you use 60 grams and make 10 brownies each one would be 1200 MG? :rofl: no wonder. Y co worker was hallucinating lol


Putting 2 ounces in 10 brownies, I don’t even know how you could eat that. That would taste like shit :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:. And it would only be that much if the weed was 20%? Yeah that would probably green out most people.


I made a batch of blueberry muffins I think there was actually 12 of them but they had a pretty strong green color to them. 1 whole one was a bit to much for me lol. My co worker had a tiny bite and didn’t sleep for 3 days and was trying to pick Avocados off his tree that didn’t have any Avocados lol.

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Very funny story

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After digging the internet, it is hard to estimate the proper mg of THC per serving. First, you should know to estimate the THC percentage. After you multiply the THCA BY 10 to obtain your mg of THCA, you convert the THCA into THC, multiplying it with the previous result when you determined the mg of THCA. To find the mg per serving, you simply need to divide the amount of THC by the number of servings. Perhaps in this way, you can quantify the mg from the best delta 8 carts, estimating approximately the quantity of THC from it.

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