Hello there wonderful people, being a bookworm myself and loving to learn new stuff, I was wondering where to get new ressources about this lovely plant and what to do with it. What are your favorite books/references for growing or consuming weed?
Personnally my two favorites at the moment are:
Beyond Buds and Beyond buds Next Generation by Ed Rosenthal all of Jeff Lowenfels Teaming with books, Wake and Bake by Corinne Tobias and Cannabis Spa at Home by Sandra Hinchcliffe…
Actually, “The Cannabis Encyclopedia” book is in my notes list, and I’ll order it once I have the financial ability.
The first book that I owned and still focusing to read and seek about the growing and consuming the weed information in it now is:
Dr. Leslie L. Iverson
However, the book has quantum of Medical and Medicinal crucial information as I noticed and read.
So, it’s an excellent book to whom it’s may concern on preparing medicines.
If you have the first the second is worth it… if you have the second don’t get the first… I mean it has good stuff but if you understand the second you can figure the first out with out it…
High Times Encyclopedia of Recreational Drugs. Hard Bound. Published 1978. Going through this book is like stepping into a time machine. Notice in the pics of the buds how larfy they all seem.
Do you think we’ll need a sound studio next to our grow room soon?
If so, I’ll plug in my Fender Stratocaster and jam a little bit for my ladies…
Hey brother long time! How’s it going?ha never mind my bad I had some edibles and smoked a dab and hitting a oil pen and didn’t realize the date. No wait I did see you back! Either way good to see you man.