Cannabis Networking in Arizona

Morning, everyone!

I co-run a cannabis networking group, Cannafriends. We meet monthly in Phoenix, and quarterly in Tucson.

This Tuesday, May 8th, we will be at Trident Grill 3. The link takes you to the Facebook event.

We meet the 3rd Thursday of every month in Phoenix at DOMM Boutique, from 5pm to 7pm. It’s $20 pre-sale, and $25 at the door.

Here is the Facebook group for Cannafriends in Arizona. It’s a professional group (vs patient group), and everyone is welcome.

There is also MITA, which is the 4th Wednesday of every month. Check their website for details, as they have recently changed locations.

Feel free to message me for information on anything cannabis networking. And, please add any that you know of, especially in Tucson.


We will be there! Loved the first event.

Tell Andrew he has to be there, or he is fired. :grin:

Excited to see you all!


I’ll see you there next month! Can’t wait!


Tonight is Cannafriends in Phoenix! If you are in the industry, or looking to get in, this is a great place to network with professionals. Last month, some attendees were higher-ups in a few big dispensaries here, as well as dispensary owners and ancillary business owners.

We have a facebook group, too.

Details and ticket information are here.

Hope to see you there!