Cannabis Promoter here


Thanks for allowing me to join this community, its been a great start the last week. I am from South Africa, born and bred. Travelled a little and lived over the seas for a couple years in my youth. For some reason I always stumbled across weed when I was growing up, it got me into a fair amount of trouble and with the propaganda I really thought for many years I was in big trouble.

I was introduced to hash in the UK in the mid 90’s and also was witness to The Body Shop launching a cannabis body product range. So that is where I started looking into weed and its benefits. Bang the rest is history, down the smoke filled sweet aroma of cannabis road.

My career was IT so I used that to start a very cool online community in South Africa, the first of its kind. was once a buzzing community of cannabis activists. I decided to close that down due to pot politrixs and the time that was invested in maintaining a forum, ( so hats off to you admins and mods ).

I decided to quit my career in IT and focus on building a life and growing in peace out of the city. So I found an old abandoned drug rehab centre on the boil of the arse end of the world. Arrived here about 10 years ago with no water, no electricty and not even a key to the ramshackle farm house. Glad to say its now being rehabilitated and living the dream with my partner and pets.

I hussle day to day doing whatever I can to scrape a buck together from selling eggs, meat… to chopping wood, trading weed. 2 years ago I put my thinking cap on and started a online cannabis consultancy, Cannabis Promoter.. Its going well and love what I do, it changes from week to week, but I have a foot in the door to cannabis. So to the end of days, cannabis it is.

Home is where the heart is


Thats awesome man , life seems to be so busy these days no matter where you are.its great to see you have found a place to set roots :wink:


Its as busy as you make it. Lifes a breeze, setting deep roots is better.


Love the setup, pretty much my dream homestead for sure id love to have a farm of animals i dont eat but find some way to pay for themselves;) i have found all creatures are amazing and will thank you for taking care of them and listening/trying to communicate with them, they can tell who tries and understands them

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I totally agree. My chicken is a pescatarian ( fish eater ) bit we bothaccomdate eachother. I eat and hunt meat. Choice is yours.

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Nothing wrong w hunting i just would have a hard time eating something i bonded w .i could probably do chicken or turkey and definitely at sll

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I totally agree, ate horse from a butchery when I was 18 and could not eat for cultural reasons. I stopped eating duck in the 90’s cause of my same culture.My nieghbout makes the best smoked homegrown duck in the world. To me as long as the pet/animal is treated with respect and killed correctly there is no problem.


Hunters. I sort them out to, bow hunters more respect, gun shooters, I make sure they have a harder target and wont accept shooting an endangered anumal, evvver.


Circle of life!! Only kill what your going to eat tho… Here in the states hunting is for sport for some assholes who just want a decorative piece for their wall… Makes me sick!!

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If you think about it the same cannabinoid receptors are found in many species of animals on this planet just as human beings have the same receptors in our brain!

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I totally agree with the reducing the commercialization of beef production but also realise that there is still a nutritional and cultural requirement for meat! Hunt and kill an animal for meat correctly I have no problem with and cant see why anyone should since we have been slaugtering animals since time forever. It needs to ch**ange! **


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For sure i totally agree. Im a bit of a sap and wish i had better comfort w death. Id love to be 100% self sustainable .but i can make cheese and milk and eggs / wool and i could trade stuff for meat , i definitely could send chicken out to be butchered for me .im just not big on the harvest procedure. Id love to have a cpl cool pigs to eat my food waste tho they are pretty personable

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Goats are great pets too and u can make cheese and amazing em1

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Also id love to breed for sale to fund my retirement

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It’s hard when most people in this world can’t even think for themselves… Just going with the flow with whatever social media and TV… People are afraid to be themselves now a days… Afraid of what everyone else thinks about them… There’s too much demand for MacDonalds and Burger King Carl’s junior going out to a restaurant… People ultimately don’t understand whats being done to bring that steak or burger Patty to their table just safe in their own cocoon secret societies like the Illuminati have gave them… People need to start thinking for themselves and we will see a real change

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Our goats were pets, they become too tame and want to hang around the house and with the dogs. Our goats are for meat and milk in a few year, so they wont be pets eventhough they have names! ., Sustainability, I hope so and agree with you on bartering.I would rather send all animals to be butchered but also think doing it yourself makes it a more conscious process. Got to admit I hate it, but I upcycle skins and bones that I find while hiking in the fields.


I suppose its more respectful to do it yourself and more honorable to the animal :wink:

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The bigger picture and conscious eating whether its dog, horse, bunny or a bird! But lets look at hemp as a replacement for protein and fatty acids.


Its amazing what proteins and vitamins/ fiber you can get from whole plant juicing and from seed

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Agreed!! Give my love to the kids!! Scott from southern California… For some reason I think my 5 year old daughter would love it there lol… She will be a survivor just like them… Loving it Chris! Glad you’ve been apart of GN

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