I feel like I am fighting a monster in a bad dream, I can not win even though it is my dream. CBD, you know what it does, for those of you who don’t find out, it does not get you high like other drugs in its category. I’m a little sleepy maybe a little hungry but definitely not high in anyway. I feel better though, that’s the problem it makes me feel better, so let’s make it illegal and only prescribe it in small doses not large enough to actually help me, just large enough to get me to buy some more, a sad wave of disappointment has overcome me today because I realized now we live in a place like my dream and even though they’re good people here there are still tons of monsters we have to fight. I am sorry for venting but please allow this topic to resonate.
Unfortunately money is first here and the reason why comes after. Completely agree though there are people with Epilepsy who need CBD. GW Pharma does a lot of CBD research, and hopefully with pressure coming from Canada, The UK and the domestic medical market; things may change soon.
I hope so, I’m a drug dealer again till then. I will not deny my patients needed medication.
Such sneaky bullshit! What a sad state of affairs
Sadly, not surprising. It’s the same reason that energy companies don’t want to convert to renewables – they see it as competition and they’re already making plenty of money. Alcohol and tobacco don’t want another competitor in the field, especially not one you can just grow yourself.
Also, I should mention. For anyone not aware:
Interesting article about a law firm here in Denver who wants to challenge the ruling. Their argument is that the DEA doesn’t have the authority to make a sweeping change like this without legislative input:
Great article!
Looks like some good news on this front:
It’s nice to see how international efforts from companies like GW Pharmaceuticals (based in the UK) is pressuring the DEA to rethink its stance on CBD. Hopefully we’ll see more in the future.
Think of the business reality - GW Pharma is only doing it because they have invested a shitload into it. They are getting close to being the Monsanto of Cannabis with the direction they are travelling. It’s great to patent and build your business - but Cannabis is a herb for humanity. Not for massive singular corporate profits.
I think it’s a good thing that GW is at least investing in cannabis R & D, I know it’s under the premise that profits will be made. At least, their trying to bring cannabis into the clinical forefront! Cannabis corporations are coming and not just pharmaceutical companies. Come on there’s a lot of money being made off cannabis in legal states so what’s wrong with real clinical cannabis research?
It’s certainly a tricky balancing act for legislators, to be sure. In my personal opinion, more independent agencies like the NIH or USDA need to be allowed to do their own research on the subject.
It seems like there might be a light at the end of the tunnel. DEA moves to reschedule CBD to Schedule 5 down from Schedule 1 in an industry first. Hopefully this is indication of changing times.
What do you think this means for the industry?
See the full article below: