Changing to SOG

I’m starting a sog 3 tent perpetual grow method from this point onward, currently flowering out my larger plants bar the mother plants im keeping. I was just wanting to know from others who are doing this, how long do you veg for? Do you work it of height, amount of tops etc? I’m running 25plants in 7litre pots per 4x4 flower tent and have the mothers, clones and early veg in a 5x5.

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I am doing the same. I run a month veg. Just time as the factor. I want as many grows as possible.

25 plants? in 3 tents? 8ish plant sper?

Sorry. 25 plants in each of the two flowering tent per cycle offset by 4 weeks. And 25 early veging plants plus mothers and fresh clones in the big tent

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Hello SOG IS A GREAT LOOK WE ALL LOVE, SEE OF GREEN. SOG. You have a high plant count, make sure that your lighting system can cover your footprint of tents ,I like the bigger the roots the bigger the fruits. It’s going to be challenging to seed to harvest in two tents your size, with 25 girls to grow to full potential. Hope that I was able to give you some advice that you can find useful.

theyre not from seed. Theyre clones off the mother which is in the 3rd tent. Yea my lights should be up to the job, have flowered wall to wall with them well so far. Plan at the moment is to veg 4 weeks then flower the 8 weeks in full cycle with a harvest monthly

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My veg time depends on the way I’m going to train the girls and how long you want to be able to flip.

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I’m just doing LST and a tiny bit of monster cropping. So far looks like 3 weeks gets them to a good wall to wall coverage. Just need to wait for first lot to go through stretch to see the best way to train the next lol


keep doing what ur doing bruh


Oh i do love a good SOG and scrogging and cropping.
Bro, if your up for the job doing that many plants then go for it, farming is 24/7 anyways deffo you big tent folks.