Hey all this is my first time posting on this form. I’m a long time passionate home grower, and as a chef of 15 years covid has rearranged my life. So I’ve decided to finally show of my secret hobbie. Please have a watch, and any feed back is appreciated.
@london hey man. Great video, we have a couple growers doing auto cheese currently so I will forward them here. Always nice to make a connection with strains and see videos of the strains one is growing.
@chrisj do you have a channel?
Ya brother it’s here just a few videos so far but we have a few waiting to be released. Subscribe here
Subbed up… slip over and sub up on my channel (Green Ladi Labs) and if you haven’t subbed into Photosyntech I highly advise it too…You from the London area…lol… 80min south west of you if you are…lol…
Nope, I am boycotting youtube for deleting my cannabis channel about 7 years ago. I have this thing I upload videos to now and dont do much with. Leave it to the pro’s now. So much good content to watch these days.
learned a lot from youtube actually pretty much everything i know about growing lol minus a few books( pages). Mr.Canuck is a favorite as is Mr.Grow it and cannabis lifestyleTV