Check this out...!


This was the last one i got and it was the chemdog and it’s awesome I had it along time ago they helpd us get seeds when my uncle’s wife was terminally ill with cancer and passd so i have pointed people a cppl time to them over the years and never had any issues even last year I went thru them it’s the covid and all the lawlessness w this country it’s getting hard for every one even the rich breeders in holland wich u and I prolly laugh at kuz idk how the rich struggle Kuz iv always been a poor kid haha so stay in tuch as soon as finish this run I’m doing the chemdog and g13

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:rofl: :rofl: :100: :100: :100: :heart: :heart: i cant like this post enough

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@Mark0427 if younwant to messg me ànd tell me what u orderd when u orderd I can try do so some digging for u to find things out , if notni misunderstood ur messg

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@shmodyshmott i couldnt even tell u the company my wife found them at. Its been almost a year now and havnt heard anything from either place which might be the same place who knows in over 3 or 4 months just stopped replying to emails and that was all.

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That’s so messed up budy I feel bad , I use to work for an engineering company in the city not to far from me but i was discriminated against because of being to honest , but that’s an old story and I still actually have good terms with the company Kuz they asked me to stay but what they were doing was so wrong I didn’t want to be apart of anymore so I jus said I wanted to wash my hands of the place yano . But i do still contact them and they are open because the run a few medical molds if you want the information to them they did hire me because they know I had the skills but after my surgery I wasn’t as fast as I use to be so couldn’t keep factory pace and that why they let me go . But they doo make all sorts of plastics , parts for medical gear I was a hydrolic mold setter techniction and I could find out for you if your ordering certain things they ave molds for .

This was the last press I helpd them out together and learn how to operate Nd make money with and they didn’t bhave the proper gear or method to do it and I was the only mold setter willing to try because of how dangerous it was ànd thats why i walked out Kuz people want me to shut my mouth about the way things were being done
The press was hlf a mill


@PreyBird1 , @MrBlue , @lacombe82 , @bullfrog420 , @mj1 , @Ladithief , @Slym3r @peanuthead , @bobette , @kdawg , @daurwid , @dan10 , @oldschool82 , @oldguy , @chefjonnyg

Check that one out talk about a press sometimes I really miss my old job but te building was jus wreched and J’s used it’s employees




thiswhole thread bring back mems.

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Gm gro bros sup?


Wassupppp. Laying in bed in some pretty bad pain. Whole lower back feel inflamed and swollen. Fuc-n killer.


Sorry to here bruh. I can’t take the weather man offered you Rso bruh I’d take it if I was in pain like you bruh… Rick Simpson be nice :v:t2:

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@LoCoRocK where u get it from i dont have a med card here anymore i let it go why pay when its legal ya know.


This is not the first time ive heard about rso. Not ros


Yes that’s dispensary.rso .rick simpson oil. Its supposedly great for pain, taken oral/sublingual. I don’t claim to know anything about it man every dispensary has something different. Truclear, distillate, rso, live rosin resin whatever.


Ros is polish for I don’t know wtf this is :rofl::joy::joy::rofl:


Send me some. How much.


Take a dime size squeeze some of that will knock the hell out of you…Long story on why but we had a bunch of that shit from Colorado and some from Chicago. Son tried the stuff from Chicago was better then the crap bought in Colorado, anyways knocked the shit out of him man :joy: And at that time he was a heavy weed toker…If you get some try small amounts untill your where u wanna be… Dr Blues :no_entry:

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Sounds like about a dozen of the factories I’ve worked in up here!


I’m sry that happens so much man . It’s jus not ok that they hire people work you to the bone then want to blame everything on you because your the only one honest enough to say the truth and that’s what needs to change