Cherry OG seed test packs

Alright so we have a good amount of cherry seeds that we would like to spread in the cultivation community. Not only do we want to see the seeds go to fellow growers but I also want to start getting more research than I can do myself and get more data on the seeds. That’s the entire purpose of this topic.

This picture here is some of the original cherry buds that we harvested the seeds from

Any growers who do decided they want some cherry seeds can post any information and journaling of them here.

Cherry OG is what we believe to be hermi pollinated. It has dense buds with super red hairs. Smokes great and is a very enjoyable high.

These are all tester seeds being we don’t know any actual genetics. We have grown them for the past two seasons and have gotten two herm on us. Other than that we have been super pleased with the way they grow and the buds they produce. From the testing we have done the seeds easily have a 90% or higher germination rate. We can bump those numbers up with the help of fellow growmies!


Have you gotten any males in your testing?


Was just think same as @happilyretired would be good to have male and female to test but buds look good.


As far as I know we’ve only had one male out of practically 100. That’s why we are guessing it was herm pollen. But yes we have gotten a male.

This is one of the cherry F1 seeds we tried this year that hermed on us. A little bit of a different phenotype for sure being an F1. We sure we’re excited to see her fatten up but we’re definitely disappointed when she hermied.


Well if you got a mail that came naturally don’t you think maybe crossing that mail with the best female or couple of different females that you have grown and make seeds from them. I don’t know it’s just bounce around in my head. Survival of the fittest and all that you only got one mail so it’s obviously the strongest male then you cross it with the strongest female and Bob’s your uncle.:man_shrugging:… genetics breading an all that I refer to @PreyBird1 :wink::+1:t3:


If anyone testing any wants to do that great!I highly recommend it. If I get a male next season that’s exactly what I will be doing. But I have enough different crosses and not enough room to grow right now to be doing a breed spot a female spot and a secluded breed spot. Maybe one year. But yes that is exactly what I want to do if I get lucky enough to get another male. But for now I have enough of these testers I’m really not that worried. And I have plenty of seeds from this year’s breed that I need to sort and I want to start growing those. But yes I highly agree with survival of the fittest and breeding with any males that I get. I harvested the pollen of the one male we did get and am saving that for a time of need.


Some Cherry OG that was grown this past summer 2021


Here is more of what we have pulled down this season. Love how red the cherry hairs are and how much they like to reach! Still have plenty of seeds to share with the cultivation community!


Trying to get my hands on another tester series before I start releasing any of my crosses. Wondering how many more people would be interested in another tester to choose from? There is plenty of Cherry OG seeds to go around. But another tester to choose from might be coming in the near future. Get your test pack of Cherry OG!


Some Cherry OG grew harvested and trimmed this season looking good!


Some more snaps of some of the buds grown harvested and trimmed this season. Man some of this stuff has such crazy red hairs!


Here we go! @raymoney87 got their seeds and already has them ready to pop!

Image thanks to @raymoney87 can’t wait to see what you come out with!

Happy Growing!!!


Lol. Ray is getting around eh? Good growing ray!


Anyone who wants any cherry og tester seeds just shoot me a DM and I can get you set up with at least the first pack free. I’m not to picky on who can test or not. I just want to spread these seeds to fellow cultivators. Even ones who are just starting or who are new to cannabis. That’s why these are tester seeds. There is still plenty of test packs ready to go, and there is also plenty more seeds if anyone wants more than just the test pack. There is five seeds plus at least one freebie in each test pack.

Anyone who is interested just shoot me a DM!

Also update on the next tester seeds I’ve definitely got my hands on some higher quality testers. Bruce Banner grown by a local grower here in Colorado. These ones we for sure know were pollinated by a hermaphrodite. Thus these being more tester seeds. I haven’t broken any of the bud down and gotten any seeds collected from this Bruce Banner. But hey if anyone is interested in trying out these Bruce Banner seeds again just shoot me a DM! Depending on the interest of the community I can definitely get some seeds collected and packs together. Thanks.

Happy Growing!


Ive just popped Two cherry og’s and can’t wait for the Bruce banner ones will keep updates coming sorry couldt pop more no space in the tent ATM.


@raymoney got 100% germination first batch first try. Lets see what they come to be. Boy am I excited!

Happy Growing!


Nice :smiley:
I try some cherry cross. Good flower nice taste. But plants didn’t yield a lot. Was pleased with it all the same. :smiley: lifted


Hey , I’m not very computer savvy. Don’t know what a DM is. If you still have some seeds I would like to get some. If so let me know what a DM is and how to send it. Thanks and keep growing,. Peace.


@970cannetics Is this just for people currently growing or can anyone willing to try get some beans please let me know as I will be putting a grow together just need to get a couple more items but would love to have some of these to pop when I do get everything ready. I was always told It doesn’t hurt to try.
Thanks in advance either way


If you happen to have any more of the sample seeds I am needing some good beans for a family members medical garden. You can contact me at