I’m interested in your opinions on the various CR Packaging for Vape Cartridges. Below is a non-comprehensive list of Vape CRP’s. Pros/Cons? Cost vs Benefit? What’s your favorite? Do you wish they could be better?
Exactly! We’d like to come up with that design for Vape Cartridges! So, @DispensaryOwners, I’d love to hear your insights on current CR Vape Cart Packaging. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
One big way they could be better is recyclability and sustainability. A lot of these are made with acrylic, which isn’t recyclable at all.
I think there’s a lot of interesting innovation happening around sustainability, I know a company that is working on a child resistant cardboard joint tube / vape tube, and there’s also Sana Packaging, they make hemp plastic packaging, and just launched a reclaimed ocean plastic line.
Can we get a medical grade Hemp plastic? Acrylics are at least appropriate in medical applications? Intercultural lenses are all made from type of acrylic used in WW2 airplane wind screens. Opthomologist found veteran who had windscreen fragments in the eye that where only discover when preparing for cataract surgery. My father designed the surgical knot to position the New lens system. He was an opthomologist at Washington University school of medicine.
A whole generation can see. I remember when they only took your lens out. All the patient look like Mr mcgoo. The new lens changed the life for a generation now. Lens clouding is the number one cause of blindness worldwide.
It a bio plastic could be made that would be world changing. I am all for that. I remember when soy based inks where first introduced. We required them in all publication when those existed
I think the low temperature plastic used in laser printer ink is a soy plastic and a carbon black. The patent was issued to xerox. A really early use of a bioplastics. I wonder if a Hemp derived plastic would be better @neville, you way in to the university of Missouri Columbia bio plastics lab is part of the agronomy department. They are next door to horticulture now
Tell me more please.
I still need some acrylics. I can give up 99% of other plastics and have.
Interesting situation you got on your hands. Quick question for you: what are the state regulations for CRP in your state and the states you would be distributing to? Your state should require either one time CRP or resealable packaging.
Hi @Changemaker-Lilli… I completely agree with you! There are way too many global environmental problems arising from our use of plastics! Ideally we would use a compostable plastic, but most of those aren’t transparent / translucent and have shelf life issues. PLA (polyactic acid), typically made from the sugars in corn starch, may be a viable alternative. However, many manufacturers of PLA drinking bottles are already abandoning the use of PLA because it is getting confused with PET drinking bottles in the recycling chain. PLA really gunks up and contaminates the PET recycling process. PET is easily recycled and could be a good solution… especially if we use recycled PET to start with? Thoughts?
Hi @Connor… I think California is probably the leader when it comes to CRP in cannabis. I think CA is letting most dispensaries use resealable packaging (CR zip bags) for the time being… giving a little more time for true CR packaging to catch up. It’s my understanding (possibly not correct) that CA will push the federal standards for CR packaging? I’m not an expert here and would love to hear your take!!
Hi @UpDave , I am interested because I represent a cannabis packaging company, Grove Bags, and we offer both CRP that is tamper evident and resealable zip bags. In addition, our packaging option allows more space for custom branding on the bag.
Our standard pouch line is certified single use child resistant packaging with the top having been heat sealed and containing NO tear notch. We also provide a line of multiple use child resistant packaging for regions that have this requirement.
If you have any further questions, please send me a direct message or email me Connor@grovebags.com
Hi @Connor… beautiful product line! I guess I was thinking more along the lines of vape cartridge CRP and the like. You have a sweet lineup for flower! Are dispensaries using your re-sealable bags for vape cartridges and edibles as well? Also, is your company interested in expanding your product lineup beyond CR bags?
Yes! @UpDave Dispensaries use our packaging for edibles and cartridges as well! Our bags are designed with a multi-layer film, Terploc TM, that was orginially created for flower storage that retains weight and terpenes while preventing mold, but there are similar benefits for concentrates and infused products as well. Plus, why go through multiple packaging companies when one has the solution.