Circular economy, cannabis and indigenous communities

In September 17th. 2019, Ecuador legalized medicinal cannabis and hemp. I work with indigenous communities and want to propose a projec to grow, process and sell hemp and medicinal cannabis products along with the local government.
The first part of the project is a full year of education about medicinal cannabis to the general public, to the municipality and decision makers in the province. At the same time, a cooperative of farmers and growers will be established.
Earnings from the Cannabis industry will be re invested in scholarships, health infrastructure, housing, elderly care… All the Cannabis production will be organic.

As the law in Ecuador is very recent, it will take a while until all regulations and requirements from the government are published. Meanwhile, the cooperative and all the regulations from the municipality will be ready so, as soon as possible, production will take place.

A macro project of circular economy will be written which includes waste reduction, sustainable sourced raw materials, single use plastics regulations (replaced with hemp paper bags and cups), water protection and care, among others.

Are you willing to help? Will be great to hear for additional ideas for the project: other components, funding, lobbying, impact monitoring and measurement, any collaboration is appreciated.

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