Clone Fridge

Oh I thought u were in florida lol


Why did you think so ?

Happy Growing :seedling:

Idk just thought that I guess chalk it up to being high lol

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Ahhhhh I wanna go to SA!!! Alas I am further than The Mouse…okc ok


I have clones in the fridge again.
I will veg these plants for as long as I can keep them in the fridge.
On a 6 ON and 2 OFF, suggested by @Arrow
They are a Lemon Kush abd Sun Dance Kid clones.
Here they are on their first night on the new light cycle.

Here they are about 2 day’s on the light cycle.

Happy Growing :seedling:


So I made some adjustments and changes to the fridge today.
First I enlarged the exhaust holes at the top of the fridge.

I added a 220VAC fan at the top of the bottom compartment to push air through to the top compartment.

I added a grid at the bottom of the top compartment to cover the fan hole and wires running on the floor of the compartment.

And I can still clean underneath it.

I added 2 CFL globes at the top compartment.

Still have 3 CFL globes at the bottom compartment.

Just hoping everything improves the grow in these compartments.
But only time will tell. Still running the 6/2 light cycle.
I didn’t take a foto now, before lights out.
I will Update on the 1st week growth on the 6/2 light cycle as soon as the light comes on in a hour and a half.

Happy Growing :seedling:


I forgot to post the update foto :man_facepalming:

From what I’ve seen, there is quite a bit of bushing going on and growth. Had to train the SDK clone abit more.

I’m thinking of cutting the Lemon Kush in half and then spider it sideways.

I have also brought in my Peyote Purple from outside, to the fridge, repotted it into a smaller pot, topped it.
I need to keep the plant in veg. To make my plant count. I already have enough Flowering females in the greenhouse.
It didn’t like the transplant, training or relocation.

Happy Growing :seedling:


I trained and topped the Lemon Kush and the Sun Dance Kid clones.
Sun Dance Kid (Before)


Lemon Kush (Before)


And Everyone back in the fridge

Happy Growing :seedling:


You busy bro…looking good…:ok_hand::sunglasses::v:


Thanks @Arrow :muscle:t2::seedling::muscle:t2::seedling::muscle:t2:
Busy is the plan. I can’t sit still. Things to Do, Things to Learn… you know, the “normal” things.

Happy Growing :seedling: