Contaminated cannabis? Mold & Fungi solutions?


PDW was a wonderful discovery 5 years ago when I began selling it into the food services arena. Dummy me didn’t connect that it would work in eliminating microbial pathogens in cannabis…… Sometimes I am a little slow.

That took me on a 3 year journey to learn about cannabis and the associated issues with cultivation, testing and validation. The scientist that invented the technology actually created it back in the 80’s but at that point could only deploy it utilizing lasers making it a fantastic discovery but commercially not viable. Fast forward to 2000 and the LED and Vladamir went back to the shelf and worked with the LED manufacturer to work on utilizing knowledge gained. That said, in 2011 they brought the first strip out and now in our 4th generation of product it is go to market time.

Yes, thrilled to be associated with PDW and the other products we offer to help grow clean cannabis. Hydroxyl air purification, Aqueous Ozone and the PDW, we call it the Air, Water and Light solution. All work synergistically to eliminate PM, molds, fungi, bacteria, to name a few within the indoor growing environment. Everyone is growing essentially in a box and these products help to keep the indoors as pristine as possible. All are natural, leave no residues and are more effective than the traditional methodology! Totally excited. Check out my website www.spectrumgro.com to learn more about us – always available to talk or find the answers, and could absolutely use any assistance you can share to spread the word!

Have a great weekend and grow the green but grow it clean!

Brett Johnson


Agriair offers a different type of solution by sanitizing the air and surrounding hard surfaces.

We utilize PHI technology to safely eliminate pathogens, mold spores and VOC’s, in turn maximizing yields and insuring the purity of your harvest. Agriair equipment can be used in proactively any area needing purification including but not limited to flowering rooms, trimming, drying, packaging and anti rooms.

For more information you are welcome to visit or contact me directly.


While there are many differences in how organizations grow their product, it is what they have in common that SpectrumGro has focused on - Air, Water and Light. Air purification is clearly one component of a synergistic approach. Not the absolute cure but certainly one component.



Sorry for the very delayed response.

The radiation statement was more about removing mold, and the cost to THCA % when undergoing this treatment.

You are correct that in certain applications, such as oral products, the conversion of THCA to THC would not be a negative, as it would be needed eventually anyway. So if you have mold spores on a batch destined for edibles, microwave poses no drawbacks. Except for the presence of mycotoxins, chemicals produced by the mold spores that persist after the spores die. These are mandated in Nevada and California and many other states as well. If mycotoxin testing is not mandated in your state, google around for a local lab that can test for the following mycotoxins:
Aflatoxin B1
Aflatoxin B2
Alfatoxin G1
Aflatoxin G2
Ochratoxin A
If your all negative for these substances in your lab results then your mold re-mediated microwave cannabis should be safe for edibles processing.

As far as THCA not being psychoactive this is true. THCA is medicinally valuable though, and many cannabis products offer oral THCA for non-psychoactive medication, typically of inflammatory conditions.

Although many extracts decarboxylate, whether intended for vaporizing or oral ingestion, some extract artists prefer to keep the drug in the acid form for vaporizing but much more so dabbing. There are even THCA crystal used in dabbing.

As far as the loss of THCA to THC for flower’s value, it is significant. Generally a THCA/THC ratio is an indicator of freshness, and the lower that number becomes, the more stale the flower generally is and the lower the terpene content, and therefore the lower the financial value. As referenced above, there are numerous scenarios where THC is the end-product and this becomes a moot point.

I hope that is helpful. Cheers.


Thanks for your insight Marco, helpful indeed!


Ozone, at the right levels, is the best way to destroy mold on your flower! Minimal effect on terpenes and potency while applying absolutely no heat.

Grows around Colorado are using Willow to ensure compliance or to clean and retest with over 90% success!

Josh Kule


Would that do anything for powdery mildew?

My neighbor has a small greenhouse in his yard and his plants got it BAD (it was disgusting!) I’m sure prevention is the best medicine, just wondering there’s an option for something smaller scale like that? Ruined 10+ foot tall plants.

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It would kill the powdery mildew - the powder itself would appear gray and the plant would be able to pass testing. We are a commercial solution for mandatory testing - we can clean plants on a per lb basis if that would be a fit!


Oh shoot I just saw you were in Denver, I’m about an hour east of Pueblo! Did you have a booth at Indo Expo this last weekend?

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We were there, but no booth unfortunately. Was great to see so many people
and innovate companies!


Hi Josh,

What tools are available to monitor/control the ozone levels? Heard of a cultivator who used ozone to control odor while curing and rendered the harvest completely inactive.


Hi Joe,

We spent over 2 years calibrating the machine to the perfect ozone level.
It comes pre-programmed so all you have to do is set the time - based on
contaminant levels - and hit start. Simple and effective!


Given ozone’s propensity for oxidizing everything, I’d be very hesitant to use it in a room with flowering plants. Even in a drying room we’ve seen ozone render a crop odorless.


Sounds like the levels your using were too high, which is easy to do. Our machine is a closed environment with a closed loop so no need to worry about destroying a batch


Prevention is key when dealing with fungi - if you are able to stop the problem at the beginning, you will be much more effective and will save a lot of work down the line. Spores inevitably exist in the air and on the plant, and you want to prevent them from multiplying and becoming a problem. To do this, humidity control – such as the DryGair solution - is your best tool. By keeping humidity low, you are preventing the grow space from reaching the dew point – the point at which the moisture in the air condenses into water droplets. Water on plant surfaces is what leads to the development of mold and the production of more and more spores.


Our lab can test for Mycotoxins
Aflatoxin B1
Aflatoxin B2
Alfatoxin G1
Aflatoxin G2
Ochratoxin A
We use the ELISA methodology to test those with high accuracy.
We also test for molds, E. coli, salmonella and other airborne pathogen using the 3M thecnology.


You need to test throughout the growing process for Mycotoxins and molds including airborne pathogen . E.coli and salmonella goes without saying. You need to receive the correct test certification from the lab. The lab needs to show you the test results and those need to go on your product paperwork. Doing microbiology on your product one time only defeats the purpose. To avoid those at the end of the production, when your product is ready for market, you should do them during and the production to avoid issues at the end of production/harvest .


I think their standards are not nearly as high as they are for the cannabis industry.


How do you think Arizona’s market will react to the mandatory testing they are talking about putting in place?


You have to comply with government regulations to produce safe product for your consumer. In Arizona the agriculture department is going to manage the cannabis regulation. They manage all the other foods that we consume. It’s the right department to do good by the cannabis industry. Small and big operations going to be looked at the same eyes. If you in compliance you have nothing to worry about.