Darkness before harvest

Thanks! I kinda thot that’s what they were. I had just learned about these types of things yesterday. I have very small hygrometers to put in my jars to monitor the moisture, etc. and had hoped not to buy any more stuff, but these sure are tempting!

Your aloud to believe what you want Mr. Charlie but unless you have anecdotal evidence don’t just be a naysayer plz… have you even tried it? I think you might be pleasantly surprised if it give it a chance instead of just passing along what you might of heard. I do mean this with sincerity and don’t mean to disagree but I tried it once 2 years ago and have not looked back…


Honestly, if your not using H2O2 to disenfect when washing, and let’s say you have bug or bird crap on your bud, all you’re doing is spreading possible toxins around and once you get them in your wash water you’re just contaminating everything you put in it !! FWIW


Damn bird crap eww. The white stuff is the bird urine. Because birds cant pee. That was a silly coment sorry lol.


Then the green mixed in with it is the poo :poop:?? LoL who knew a guy named preybird might have some knowledge on the avaries! Is that a word?? Is now. :boom::facepunch: I like birds too, big bird, the parrot that gives you toy filled eggs for a quarter, Lemu emu & tucan Sam. What’s up… I know my birds too. I think i was a Peregrine falcon last life. Cause I can swoop down and snatch snatch like a boss! Ya okay Loco…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: keep on dreaming!
Hey guess who’s baked!! Ummm like everyone in here Loc… :thinking:


Right. The thing I kept reading yesterday during my research was that rain doesn’t negate the trichomes, so why should a nice ending rinse. Made sense to me.

I won’t even sit on a chair I haven’t wiped off outside, so there is no way I’m smoking what I can’t ‘wipe off’ … LOL

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Makes sense to me!!

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Gotta believe what preyBIRD has to say about birds!! I’m not even gonna look that up to see if you’re messing with me. I believe it’s true. After raising my little scrub jay, that makes total sense. Now, hummingbirds are another story. They pee. All the time. Watch them long enough at the hummingbird feeder and PEEEEEEEE … my daughter told me to watch them and I never knew until she told me and I watched and YEP … peeeeeeeee …