Day 17-18 in Flower (Trop Cookie x Oreoz)

hey guys, it’s been awhile. not really in my apartment anymore but I thought i’d update you all on the Tropicana Cookies X Oreoz. let me know what you think, I have done a lot of work to her.


Looking good. Cant wait till your close to harvest!


since there was some trouble with the drop box

Day 92* We are 17-18 days into flower.


We are BACK day 42! (week 6)



Looking beautiful bud, how many more weeks?


you know! that right there i’m not too sure of, the thing said 65 days. I feel like i stopped feeding alittle too early! onto the flush and tapped it 2 days ago with slight nutrients. the plant is starting to eat away at the leaves but I don’t know if I have enough leaves on the plant either! I might have to hit it once more with nutrients and flush just for a 1.5 weeks.

I would love as much advice as possible though!
@chrisj @Slym3r @happilyretired @TheMadFlascher @PreyBird1 @Slym3r @nacho151 @Mark0427


That looks like it is done. If you hit it with nutrients if wont make a difference. It will more than likely make more pistils and then make male flowers so it can live. I woukd cut tha down now. 1.5 more weeks is a BAD idea.


im going to plan for WEDNESDAY! I appreciate the advice, I don’t have a jewelers loupe but i’ll have to charge my ipad today so I can get some really nice tricome shots!


If Mazon is accessible to u. They ha e some pretry noce hand held microscopes that zoom 1000x and i can pretry much see thru the trocome bulbs when zoomed in. Lol. Pretry bad ass and cool to see in pwrson not just pics. They r fairly cheap also. The kind that dont hook to phone is only like 3 to 8 dollara for like a 60x zoom which works but ifbu wanna share pics on here its not easy thing to do with thw manual pocket kind. Wireless microscope 100x zoom on amzon for about 20bucks. Ull be happy u got one if u do get one.