Defoliation question

Hey guys. These 2 Yumbolt photoperiod females have had some lock out problems from low humidity when they were young but they are doing fine now. It is the first week of flower and they are starting to stretch and get really bushy but I don’t want to start defoliating to make them all pretty and slow them down for the last push. Should I defoliate them and if so by how much? What do you guys think?


I hear ya. Not cool when they scare!!! But they look lushy green now mate. I reckon if they get enough light and enough nutes they will be able to handle some more defoliation. I usually like to defoliate at flip to a 50% leave-gap ratio if you understand what I mean. And go from there, again 2-3 weeks in flower.

*I also leave like a node or 3. Some strip up to the very last node, but I’m not a fan of that.


I’m gonna tag you over to another conversation we just had a few minutes ago. Another defoliation conversation but totally opposite from yours. I would leave yours alone for the time being. It’s not casting much of a shadow. You can see light all the way through your canopy. On the grow I’m gonna tag you too you will see a huge difference. Different plants grow different it just depends on how the plant grows. The grower needs to adapt to the different traits of different strains.
Your plants look really good. They are already trimmed up pretty nicely. :+1:t3:


Thanks @happilyretired !!!