Did I make a whoopsie

Hi from Oklahoma here. I’m not sure if this will help for Next grow but… When I get my grow bags ready I always mix in Diotomatious Earth, DE. I put a good layer on top also. I let the bags rest for 2 to 3 days before I transplant.
I use Fox Farms soil and heard it could come with bugs in it. I haven’t had any bug problems.
I know it won’t help much now or maybe it could. Amazon sells it. Get food grade. Can be used anytime. Another tip: grow chives, garlic. In your grow room also.
I hope this helps some.


Try gnat nix on top it will be more effective and last longer as it’s just larger chunks of diatomaceous earth. Cheap enough too


Cool Thanks


Np;) have u heard of neem cake or karnja?


They both trigger a defense response and help prevent bugs and mold, great stuff imo


Do you mean neem cake? Damn autocorrect!!


Haha tks bro


If u even think of having the lights on and spraying try to think of burning ants w magnifying as a kid kuz that’s laget wats happening thru every lil water droplet that land on ur plant w ur lights on I stoopd using sprays for my crops like 3 yrs ago but we live we learn I also haven’t ever had to deal w any pest Sept antz out side and rodants Everytime I do a grow I clean the grow room vacume , disenfect everything , clean ally smart pots wash all the jars jus toake sure thers no bugs and I treated the rooom last yr w a bomb and repellent so I’m lucky thank god

I use diatamacious earth always at first dosnt always work for me specially out sode