Differencial day/night = 0° during stretch

Hi, sorry if posted into the bad category.
Has anyone made some trials of 0° of difference between night and day temperatures ?

Some literatture mention a lower internodal spacement but I was wondering if anyone made some real trials.

Thanks !



Interesting topic, how does one get to the stage of 0 difference in temperature change? I know nothing is impossible, but you would have to have serious control of air to achieve that.

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I am currently in a close circuit setup wich makes easier to control the temperatures (but really hard to cool the room). For instance during day I need to put my ac on 16° to get a 25/26° on the room and this is a 27/28° in surface leaves.

I will have to heat during they night (wich is my night) and more we go into December more I will have to heat high. So for me it is just moving the ac from cold to heat.

The room is 200m2 and 4.5m tall (sorry imperial friends…) and it has 2000m3/h of extraction (almost nothing).

I was planning so to heat the room during night stretch to get the same global temp that they get during day time.


What if you run lights at night when it’s colder and have the dark period during daytime when it’s a little warmer? Just a thought but if you are already growing you are kinda stuck.


Unfortunately I need to make a schedule for the plants that can be followed by employees. Working in green lights in a multiple level structure is really hard and we need a schedule flow where we can interact during night (for spraying for instance against pest in grow) but also work during our Working day meanwhile they are awake.

But yes I use to do smaller indoors in swapped schedules.