I’m finding the curing process to be a bit daunting as a new grower. I’m just curious how many other growers - new or experienced - find this stage to be challenging. Is there a better way…?
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I’m finding the curing process to be a bit daunting as a new grower. I’m just curious how many other growers - new or experienced - find this stage to be challenging. Is there a better way…?
What parts of it are you having trouble with? Initial dry, curing RH, burping ect?
Curing RH + burping. I’m just finding it to be a bit tedious and lots of different opinions on RH.
Any thoughts on using Boveda to maintain the right RH?
Humidity packs work great for maintaining humidity, but, they do strip quite a bit of terpenes and can give your bud a sort of “universal” smell and flavour imho.
Cure tip I wrote before somewhere:
The optimal range for humidity inside the jars to allow the curing process to take place is between 60% and 65%. It’s at this RH also that you want to store your bud on your shelf. For many growers, 62% usually. Using a cheap but effective hygrometer makes it extremely easy to monitor RH inside your jars our cvaults. They’re not very accurate, but definitely give you good enough an idea of where you’re at. I advise to buy a few so you can compare their readings, they’re dirt cheap anyway.
The buds are sweating when you jar em up and continue to do so, so during the first week, roll the jars to separate the buds a little, then, remove the lid and let the buds breathe for 15mins. This is called “burping” and it removes excess moisture while the oxygen level is being kept spot on.Do this a few times a day. Keep an eye on your hygrometer to keep the RH between 60-65%. If the RH exceeds 65%, empty the jar on a newspaper, spread the buds out and let them ‘dry’ for 20-40 mins. If it dips below, burp less.
In the following weeks you can start to phase out the number of times you burp your jars like 1x / day, 2x/ week, 1x / week
Another option is using Grove Bags. These are basically set and forget. When your buds are dry and ready to be jarred up, throw em in the bags instead, close it, and the Terploc ® liner in the bag does the burping for you.
After a minimum of 30 days, you may start noticing strong aromas when opening your jar / vault / bag and that typical “green” chlorophyll smell should’ve disappeared entirely now.
You may also let them cure longer. Some of the best buds I smoked were cure for 6 months and longer.
if you have to burp the jars a lot i would guess you are putting bud that
is still too damp into your jars
my wife does not get Dank and Damp are not one and the same
she will turn green bud brown in a minute
all the best and be safe
If ur curing alot might wanna try 5 gallon buckets so its one and done can also make a self vurping setup woth air pump some check valves and tubing. Look on youtube homemade self burping cure buckets looks simple to put together just acquiring the few pieces to do so.
You can buy a canntrol machine. I have one it and its a game changer. But they are very expensive and cost prohibitive for most growers.
I dry in warm basement. Hung up. When stems snap ready for storage.
Jars what have you and air often and wait. It works.
I used to do the same thing. Id dry at 26% Rh for 2-3 days then depending on how dry they were i would cut all the buds off the stems and into shoe boxes lined with parchment paper. This way i could do smaller amounts and keep the drying speed slower. Then into jars. And if i over dried them i would put the over dried ones in with some fresh buds to bring back some moisture. Another trick is fresh cut leaves added to ovedried flower to bring the moisture level.
Best advice…. It’s worth it and it makes a difference. My last outdoor crop got way better after 6 weeks in cure , just have to have patience
My frustration is not the curing itself, it’s the de-leafing prior to that lol. Hate trimming! Once trimmed, I put appropriately length limbs in double paper bags and slide them up or down to speed up or slow down the cure. Simple and works for me.
The higher you slide the top bag up the more single layer is exposed hence the faster the dry and cure, slide the bag down and everything doubles up and it slows the cure considerably. I do check every couple of days to make sure that there isn’t any mold forming.