The article seems to be comparing shatter/wax to distillates, for the most part. Going into the article I thought I was going to read why darker colored shatter/wax is not necessarily a bad thing, but I got none of that.
Most people seem to prefer lighter coloured extracts. I carry two types of CO2 extract, a lighter one that tastes like nothing and a darker one that tastes like liquid heaven. light outsells dark by 2 to 1
Yeah it would be nice to see a comparison between darker and lighter types of the same extract to see if there’s any consumer preference or any experience difference between them.
I know that @tasiakelle felt that darker extracts (within a certain level) were generally more potent, but lighter extracts sold better.
In my experience, older material and indicas tend to produce darker BHO than newer material and sativas.
Yea darker is usually due to the older Trim but yea Vanity sells, I get great taste out of darker or amber but usually distill it bc it will sell better.
Going off of these statements, my belief has always been that the colour depends on the maturity of the product being processed. I also believe the colour also determines how tired the product will make you.
From the logic that the trichomes go from a clear/milky colour to a more amber and then the amber darkens, and consequently the more converted cannabinoids to make you tired.
Ipso facto, the more mature the plant, the darker the trichomes, the more tired you will feel.
Im no expert, this is just an assumption made from my limited knowledge.
Lighter extracts always sell better in the shops because of lack of knowledge from budtender and customer. In the end lighter colored extracts usually means it was run fresher but there are some other things to that come into play like foliar sprays, newts, and of course any insecticides that were used. There are other things that change the color but those are the first few things that come to mind.