Very interesting topic and timing as well.
I was having these same thoughts as I was doing the daily inspection on the hermaphrodite I had.
Two weeks ago I had noticed a few male or reverted!? flowers coming from some of the undersides of the main bud sites.
Answers to your questions directly summed up at the bottom. :).
(Roughly half way up Plant only visible directly from underneath and it just caught the right light the first time for me to notice)
I removed everything I could find which I will roughly call was only one male flower anther on maybe less than 5% of the plants total budding sites.
Long story short it’s a crop king crown royale fem. this one of the same batch of 5 (4 grown on) was the only one showing traits of hermaphrodite.
All four are completely different flower structure ranging from purple leaves and sort of buds (this one) to green buds with purple ish leaves and green "calix"stacking flowers with red and yellows in the leaves.
After plucking the few hermie flowers I saw. And again day or two later. (Not more but maybe around same amount or slightly less found)
I have seen none since those first five days of watching and plucking.
One qualifier along with stresses noted later this was roughly around the time I noticed that the watering with the aerated teas I had done a little over a week prior started to kick in.
(I got an Fluence vyprx plus which instantly sent this Plant to purple in two days. (Only leaves exposed to direct light)
But didn’t act as a deficiency.
However I did apply some extra compost plus teas and a mulch layer of grass seed and purselane.
(This one likely had the least amount of light for the entire time until the Vypr showed up)
I would’ve never liked feminized as much as I don’t like autoflowers. (I don’t have reasons as much as my own ethics on the manipulation of genetics females to force self seed, what if more of this ends up in our gene pool long term? As there are breeders which have stated using fem because that one “was so good”.
My problem with this type of breeding is why we have roses that don’t smell, dairy (Holsteins cows) that can barely stand up with their weight but give huge yield, plants with yield and diseases, ball python “spider variety” has a wobbly neck, people still use the line because it’s “cool”
fancy dogs with again all sort of strange illness and disease.
I’m very curious to know if it does matter on a cellular or scientific level that is beyond my understanding. But I have seen it in some industries I’ve been involved in. And find breeding plants very fascinating.
I’ve always been against the idea of a fem plant. Mainly for the reasons of mothering/cloning/breeding.
Now I have an idea to run from seed with fems (variation and pheno/geno difference indeed) for random or bulk and then a few nice regulars for keepers.
I haven’t used enough long terms to know there’s a difference. And same goes for autofem. I don’t like the idea because I can manipulate plants just fine. But then it does sound handy and I’m sure genetically it’s improved a lot since the last trial I did, which was along time ago, currently trying again with ether auto mazar afem or white widow AFem. Two out of six are up.
(Straight germinated into a 10 gallon living soil under 400w MH with established ground cover, hasn’t seen fertilizer yet super nice green growth and three weeks into flower, so far so good) so I may change my mind on the whole auto and fem.
always willing to try and adapt/learn something new. Can’t be stuck in the old especially with the dedicated technology coming towards this now.
And I guess the demand is there for breeders that I follow to switch over to producing fems and possibly autos as well.
But I professionally would never carry them for a breeding line, stock plant line for propagation or much beyond one time cheaper bulk growing. (Greenhouse etc maybe) living soil makes it very neat to see the different expressions and I wonder if that has any affect either way.
I will be able to thoroughly check the finished product to see if there are any seeds, so far have noticed none. And keep checking because I was going to pull the plant early until I only noticed a few. If it had gotten worse then yes it would’ve gone.
I’ve had hermies in the past (entire run) maybe that’s why I have a biased. But I’m trying it again. Could’ve been room stress at the time or genetics because that too wasn’t recent.
This was a trial run in a “under construction room” so I was checking for temps, humidity vpd, etc during this trial as well as literally renovating the room at the same time halfway through flower still.
There would have been plenty of stress for any plant to have survived and thrived in that situation.
New method of weighing to measure water uptake. So ran a pretty “dry” run and then ramped that up in the last or what should’ve been last month of flower. (Likely go 10/11 out of the 9 weeks said on breeder package).
Did a similar ramp up in light and temperature. As well.
Showing interesting results.
Also a complete run with only two applications of salts. (One at seedling stage 3-5 days old) and again second week of flower two feeds back to back)
Next time I will omit this flowering feed and use only teas and thermal compost admins earth worm castings(with various additives)
Long thoughts, any questions just ask.
Can we consider bag seed and properly bred feminized genetics completely separate?
IMO they should be, though depending on the bag and whose seed I suppose.
Yes, seeing these fems even from " a not very respected breeder from what I hear not IMO yet" sort of maybe. 2/10 might have TMV in their genetics. Which is another interesting topic.
Completely. Have heard the technique (chemical or not?!) can also make a difference. Only have heard. Not sure.
I do believe like all breeding proper environment quality growing skills and healthy plants are always going to be critical for seed production.
Crappy bagseed i.e. street cannabis with seeds in it. Has always Hermed from stress (this happened before fen seeds were available here, though I could be very naive on that subject. Don’t remember that as an option buying seed in holland either then though)
I’m curious. Maybe super happy times after the stress can reverse that? More light? Better spectrum? Proper day night cycling? Etc. I was doing some of these and saw now more male flowers coming this far.
Almost done.
There’s a reason I call my new company as the following: #startanewlife.
Be careful at work.
Spine injury is a tough sell to the workers insurance. :p. I’m just getting old. (Almost millennial
Sjoerd Visser
The Plant Opinion.
(Soon to be online)
@plantopinion instagram.