Do you use the rest of the plant?

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After you harvest the buds off of your plants, do you use the rest of your cannabis for anything? I know that industrial hemp is always looking to utilize fibers from the plant, but what about biofuels? Is it not worth the effort to sell the other material, or is it rendered unusable by the preparation process?


I use the whole plant up. Minus the roots. The buds get smoked, the leaves get juiced, and the sticks get water hashed. The MAIN stalk ends up as a chew toy for the dogs. All in all, we use it all up.

There needs to be a company that gathers the “loss” from grow operations to use in a productive way. Grow operations throw all the water leaves and stems into garbage bags, pour vinegar into the bag and toss into huge commercial garbage cans. <---- THAT IS UNCOOL!


If I may inquire, is the vinegar just to deter would-be dumpster divers? Or is it to slow the decay of the plant matter?

Dumpster divers. So this type of procedure is written in house to satisfy the state. Its a huge opportunity for a company to collect all of it and use it.