😂 don't hate

Ok so I cut out a bunch of bud rot and had to cut the top of one of my biggest prettiest buds :frowning::frowning::disappointed_relieved: so I salvaged some of that and now in to the drying closet … I’m still excited being it’s my first time . Enough for a couple joints still :blush: quite the learning process and it’s very heartbreaking to see all your hardwork just mold away


Ok so I’ve seen a couple.few.on another forum do water cure with bud rot buds and it seemed to take a lot of changing water but the bud rot was gone and made smokable product. Now.it was like 7 to 12 days of being in water fully submerged under water and change the water daily but I’ve seen a couple.guys take bad rotted buds and make smokable stuff from them. I’m drawing a black k on who did the water cures maybe @ravenchief will remember who did the water cure test on the bud rot


@spades90 Be proud. Hell, I’d smoke it with you!!! Growing cannabis can break your heart and that ain’t no joke. I’ve experienced losses in my tent that broke my heart more than any pretty woman ever did. Unfortunately this means that you’re just like the rest of us here. You’ll always be thinking about the next grow. Welcome to the party :heart:


It was Leholf :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Is he on here also. I’m sure lots here would love to know the outcome from someone who has done it before. I’ve never done it and prolly never will. Just can’t see myself smoking bud rotted stuff. Lol. But I guess if it works what the hell eeh. If I remember correct it was a little harsher but smooth hitting


all the water cured weed I have smoke had no taste :frowning: but no taste and mold gone

is a big win :slight_smile:

the water cured had the same stone

be safe and stay free


Don’t hate

haters gotta hate


Outdoors, botrytis is my biggest enemy too. More so than anything else. In my area it’s not even a question if it’ll show up, it always does. The spores must be everywhere, but it makes sense (this area is known for its strawberry cultivation and botrytis is very common on strawberries too). I treat my plants preventative with hypochlorous acid but even that doesn’t keep it away…
I keep em dry, ventilated, out of the rain and still… #&*@%!!!

It’s the absolute worst and once you’ve got it on your plant, you might as well make a cross over it. It’s ruined. It spreads super fast and you can’t really eradicate it once infected. At least not in a healthy way. I have to harvest my outdoor buds too early every year cause my plants are affected. Once I spot it somewhere, I cut the plant. Because a few days later it’ll be everywhere.

Indoors, you should be able to keep it out of the tent.


Yup, strawberries and grapes are HORRIBLE. Botrytis paradise…


I’m harvesting today.quite surprisingly I think I did pretty good damage control. We are expecting two days of rain so I’m taking action now and harvesting. The buds are pretty freaking frost so I’m going for it .here’s a few pics


@spades90 Omg that’s beautiful!


Isn’t there a way u can slam poles in ground and make a shelter for them to keep them dry from the rain. They look super nice and would suck to have little to no high on a bid that looks so purdy.


What’s your opinion? I mean they are pretty freaking far along In The flowering process! should be good to harvest right?


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dry a piece and try it, you will know :slight_smile:

they look close

all the best and be safe



If I harvest these now what’s your guys opinions? I’m just doing it because of bud rot and it spreading. I think today is the day. In reality it’s only a week and a half early my best guess


I don’t think I have time to do that because of the bud rot I have some absolutely beautiful buds that are untouched with mold right now and as a complete newbie my instincts are telling me to harvest


put it on the dash board of a car in the sun it will dry in no time

will it be great fuck no but it will tell you what the stone is like

it is not a bad idea to trust oneself :slight_smile:

all the best with whatever you decide


EDIT why I say to dry it is I just chopped a bit of rot off an Island Sweet Skunk

some was fine on what I cut off the bad, it is on the dashboard here at work and will be dry sometime

to day

if the stone is OK I know if I need to chop early OK but every day I can go it will get better



When u harvest do a good bud wash 3 buckets atleast. I do 3 first is baking soda and lemon juice quarter cup each in 5 gallons not hot but hotter than warm water second bucket same water and 2 bottles of hydrogen peroxide 3rd just rinse water first bucket should rid of anything bad I’d let it set in bucket fully submerged for 3 to 5 minutes let all soak in the buds and all. Pull out let drip til just dripping then second bucket same thing submerge and wait rinse bucket should be good to just rinse peroxide should clean any residue from lemon juice and baking s9da if it was to leave anything behind. Do what ur heart tells u to do on the harvest u know ur area best.