Dry weight is not a sufficient metric for a plant being grown for its chemical content, unless the dry weight is of the extracted salable constituents.
Can we define a scale of metrics? We probably need this in any case for all growers to help measure success. I think we should have a who separate topic to talk about this. I don’t want to pollute your lighting thread. Thoughts?
Dry weight is probably a good diagnostic starting point. What others can we easily define for growers who are less technically inclined?
We have a long history in both agricultural and horticulture crops, that dry weight has a direct correlation to all key metabolites.
I need to give you a citation list. But, for my undergraduate technical writing for science seminar, this was my topic for a lit searches and citations.
From the voices in my head
Check out the 15 minute 730 dusk flowering trigger.
Can you give me a link please
Inda Grow has a great whitepaper on their site.
The starting point is single variable, isolated side by side comparisons. From that we can derive comparable figures for dry weight yield, per area, per unit of time. Any other approach to yield will skew misleadingly. Simple quantatative analysis gives us the rest.
BUT, this has to be done with each cultivar because it isn’t a case of “one size fits all.”
Google Scholar give a ton of papers.
The, approximately 30 year old, Segal Formula for calculating yield in cannabiculture is total weight of salable product (g), divided by the total area used in production including maternity ward/nursery/veg/flower (f or m2), per year. g/m2/annually
From this we can derive g/KwH, g/$, etc. accurately. It was originally devised to allow accurate comparison of dissimilar techniques and/or technologies.