Hello, so I was drying at around 50% humidity and 20° and until day 7 buds smell really strong and where starting to get dry to the tuch and I left them for 1 more day at 45% humidity in there and one plant seems to get litle bit crispy dry on the outside and it lost almost al the smell on the outside, on the inside it is still smells good. So my question is, should I bag them when they where still smelling good on the outside or should i wait till they are dry enough to lose the smell on the outside?
I would sweat them now.
Thank you! Bud still i’m wondering what is the “RIGHT” thing to do, I have 3 plants 1. that got little crispy and lost smell on the outside, and other two that are not that crispy and still smell strong on the outside.
I put the 1. plant in the brown paper bag to sweat already.
But should I dry other two plants more to get little crispy and lose the smell on the outside or should I put them inside paper bags now when they are smelling strong on the outside?
Once my buds hanging feel like they r dry on the oitside i jar them with a hygro meter. When the rh gets 68 to 70 i open jar move around buds lay on side for a while. Cap back up til rh get up there again repeat til the jars hold between a 58 and 62 rh for atleast 24 hrs without exceeding the 62. Once that is cool u can keep in jars burp once a week or so for a nonth or so til u r happy with cure. Be sure not to leave in the jats too long ot too warm so they dont mold or rot. At nighttime i always left the lid off covering half or more of the hole so not too much air gets in but enough not to mold in the mornings. Shake up buds some and cap off again. Be sure to check them alot at first til u notice times getting farther apart. Dont lwt them dry too much or they will get and keep a hayish taste and smell. Smells should come back in cure as long as it didnt dry out too much prior to jarring them. Good luck bud. Hope this helps u. Works gr8 for me
Not to worry they all do that. At around a week they are not yet dry or cured and just smell like hay. Then you cure them and the smell comes back…mine just went to the hay smell too. When I first hung them they smelled wonderful. It will come back.
hi @dean95, not to worry, it comes back in the curing. You dont want to leave your buds in paper bags for too long as that will take the moisture than is left over. Best to put your dried flowers in a sealable jar, in a dark cupboard or room.