Due to bud rot should I harvest?

I know everyone said look at the trichomes but I would like some advice if you can tell from these pics . I’m having some bud rot and it’s spreading . Should I harvest now? Idk how much more it will spread in a week or two which was when I was going to harvest…whats your guys advice on what I should do .


Here’s the bud rot


Harvest the affected part, cut out the bad part then cure it. Keep an eye on the rest and let it grow until ready unless it starts showing signs too. IMHO. I had some one year, I cut that bud out, then left the rest, it continued on and finished just fine. I had had a week of rain day and night, but once it got dry again, and the bad part was cut out, the rest was fine. That is just my experience.



Hi @spades90

Sorry to see you get mold, but that is the learning curve that keeps on giving with growing cannabis. Personally I would harvest early, remove all the molded buds and make sure I dont touch the clean buds. Sadly you might have alot of mold that is not visible to the eye and only see it when you are harvesting. But keep on growing.


Thanks for the advice! I’m harvesting today. Here in CT it’s supposed to be three days of rain I don’t think they can handle much more…I’ll post pics of the buds


Im in Massachusetts @spades90, Ive had to cut a bit more rot off than I`d like to this year. The rain, as you know, has been relentless.


Hey GrowBud!

I think as well as cutting out the rot, let’s discuss how it started as well… and what to do to remedy the initial problem. In flower i preach that keeping the rh >50 that helps avoid that. Mold thrives at about <62rh. There’s always gonna be swings,bc lights on off but dark periods are what kills you (mold grows better in dark). So what is your lights out rh… and if it’s high… a dehumidifier should be in use… the best you can get for your budget. Nothings worse than a grow ruined at the end. GL