CannaCribs fans, please welcome our newest member of the CannaCribs Syndicate! Juvar from @DusaFarms has joined our channel to bring you some fresh new unboxing videos, product reviews, cultivation tips and overall industry knowledge. This week Juvar compares the difference between the @horticulturelightinggroup8413
Scorpion Diablo and Diablo X. Join us in welcoming Juvar to the CannaCribs fam and stay tuned for some super sick content! More episode of CannaCribs will be coming soo
Sure. I think its about having a knack for growing, putting digital tech together, and hitting a sweet spot. @wow_arizona was sponsored lights and an entire setup for his grow and created something beautiful online for his sponsors. I think its a bit luck, but alot of hard work and asking the right people.
If you look at the @cannacribs, youtube channel, in most of the descriptions there is a link for requesting your grow to be videoed.
You’ve deffo lived thats for sure. Duck knows how you made it to 62 but you have and thats something to be proud of and your stories always have me grasping
Ive been in a programme in my 20s for valium addiction, all trying to get this pain out my head.
I failed it too, after 3 over doses i finally gave that shit up! That was a long time ago to me it seems. Thats only looking back 10yrs.
Your reminiscing must feel like its from a different life. The path of joy and people thanks to weed.