Excited to see how these fill out!

morning @spades90 …looking at trichs can be difficult unless you have a good microscope and steady hand…look for time in flower, pistils turning brown , fan leaves starting to consume themselves and not eating much…those are other indicators of she is at her peak…


Thank you for that advice! Mark told me to cut off a little bud or fan leaves and look at it under my mini microscope even then Im still a little unsure lol I originally posted this on the tenth of last month and they were into flowering then so I know I am pretty damn close right now for two of the plants


are these photo or auto…rarely is a plant ready in less than 8 weeks of flower…so time is your first indicator IMHO…


These are autos !


Ya your right I’m thinking I should stick it out and wait til the end of the month


they will start flower pretty quick after sprouting so when did you see your first white head? they still take the same amount of time to make their buds as a photo does in most cases…


On this grow I honestly slacked in documenting the first day of flower. I have to go through my pics to determine that. Going on from here though I’m always going to document it . The two photos I have going I documented and the end of July will be two months


I keep a spreadsheet on my grows…it helps to look back at what worked and what didn’t…so 2 months is right at that window of readiness…


Yeah spread sheets are nice to have. I dont do that. I should do that. I dont have time to do that though. Like i have 2 days off a week and today is one of them and i got all k9nds of shit and appointments to do. I wish i didnt have ro work anymore. Im getting burned out on this whole work thing and after 32yrs im looking for a way out!


eventually you will get to retirement…ahahahahha


Not fan leaves lol theybalways mature way faster than the bud neat does. Fan leaves r so thin they ruoen fast. But a chunk of bud and scope the outer part and then rip it and look towars the middle of the bud and see what that looks like. The one plant appears close but the onea with the white pistils r far away from harveat yet. U can always take a bud u scooed let it dry a couple days and tey it to see how the buzz is how long it last and how it taste. It wont jave full taste to it without any cure but ull jave a good idea of taste smell and how the buzz is and go from there. If the buzz is good for a couple hours then u can harvest if tonur liking if not let it ride and marure more and try another small bud couple days to a week later.