Humic Substances can be isolated from soil, peat, dystrophic lakes and even sea water. However, the predominant commercial source (by far!) is the mineral Leonardite. Leonardite is closely associated with near surface deposits of Lignite or Sub-Bitumenous coals. Leonardite can have a humic acid content of up to 90%.
When we speak of ‘Humic acid’ we are actually talking about a product that is a combination of Humic and Fulvic acids. A generic sample is probably going to contain about 52% humic and 12% fulvic acid.
For our purposes it is important to take a look at this combination and understand the benefits and limitations!
The Humate fraction can be thought of as INSTANT organic matter. There is no other amendment you can add to your planting media that will increase your CEC (cation exchange capacity) so significantly and so quickly! The humic acids are HUGE molecules compared to the fulvic fraction. Humic acids are also great chelating agents and keep your micronutrients available to the roots. The Fulvic fraction is a much smaller molecule and easily enters foliage or root tissues, facilitating nutrient uptake and stimulating growth hormones; thereby increasing your plant growth.
‘Humic acid’ is best applied to your soil media. The large molecule size is not as efficient in foliars (and remember with ‘Humic acid’ you are getting both humic and fulvic acids).
Fulvic acids are available as a purified product, and can be used in some unique ways!
Leave it to the talented group of growers on GN to offer up some unique experiences and pass them on to us!! I give full credit for the following information to @sssportsmfg.
Want better germination of you seeds? Put 1/2 teaspoon of pure organic 100% fulvic acid and 5ml seaweed extract in a gallon of R/O or distilled water. Float your seeds in a glass filled with this water. Immediately remove them from the glass when they sink to the bottom. Place them in a paper towel wetted with this same solution. Place them in a unsealed plastic baggie in a dark place and watch the magic! I am informed you can save the remainder of that gallon of mix for next time, as it stores very well.
@sssportsmfg also prepares a fulvic acid foliar. 1/2 teaspoon of fulvic acid per gallon of distilled or R/O water. Be sure to pH the water as the Fulvic acid is a very low pH! Give you plants a foliar spritz of this occasionally to keep them happy!
EDIT: If you are utilizing the BudBusterPro program, we HIGHLY DISCOURAGE the use of Fulvic acid foliars in combination with BBP!