Waiting for research to prove what we already suspect to be true could be a fatal mistake. Enjoy this short read members of Growers Network. Feel free to leave comments.
These days, most people already know enough about the harmful effects of sunlight to apply sunscreen before spending an extended amount of time outdoors on a sunny day. But this wasn’t always the case. Although early civilizations recognized that overexposure to the sun resulted in damaged skin, it wasn’t until the 1940s that an effective form of sunscreen became widely available. And even then, such lotion didn’t receive widespread adoption until decades later when scientific studies proved the health threat of too much sun was real.
Consider all the lives lost to skin cancer while waiting for science to confirm what was already widely known about the damaging effects of harmful rays. Unfortunately, we’re in the same position today in terms of the lights used in modern grow rooms. Common sense suggests the light radiation used to artificially grow plants is dangerous for the cultivators who are exposed to it for an extended amount of time. However, without a wealth of studies to support the notion — and in the absence of a commercialized market saturated with solutions to address the issue — safety’s simply not a consideration for many growers and their employers.
That’s why we at RayWear have made it our mission to educate the industry about the dangers of modern cannabis cultivation and provide protective solutions for the men and women who work in these harsh environments. To help you better understand the harm that light radiation can inflict upon humans, here’s a quick look at some of the most serious types of skin cancer facing unprotected cultivators of cannabis.
3 Types of Skin Cancer that May Result from Exposure to Light Radiation
Types of skin cancer that can be caused by light radiation:
Although melanoma accounts for just 3 percent of all skin cancer cases, it’s responsible for more than 75 percent of skin cancer deaths. That makes it the most serious form of skin cancer by far, and, sadly, it’s also the most common one among young adults.
Basal cell carcinomas:
The leading cause of skin cancer tumors, basal cell carcinomas commonly result in small, fleshy bumps that develop on the head and neck, though they can crop up elsewhere as well. This disease is known to grow slowly, and though it rarely spreads to other areas of the body, in severe cases, it can penetrate bones and inflict severe skeletal damage.
Squamous cell carcinomas:
Whereas basal cell carcinomas largely stay put, squamous cell carcinomas can spread to other areas of the body and grow into large masses. This disease generally manifests itself in tumors that often appear as red, scaly patches, though in other cases it takes the form of fleshy nodules.
Don’t Wait Until it’s Too Late
Don’t make the same mistake that previous generations made by waiting for research to explain what simply makes sense. Intense lights, especially the kind emitted by modern grow lights, pose a serious threat to the health and wellbeing of today’s cannabis cultivators. So don’t wait until it’s too late. Start protecting yourself today by wearing clothing that shields your skin from the harmful effects of light radiation.
RayWear is the only gear on the market designed specifically for the modern cultivator.
Our patent-pending fabrics offer the most complete protection against the full radiation spectrum endured by today’s growers. Our gear provides up to 99% visible light radiation reduction, significant reduction in infrared (IR) radiation and it has a rating of 50+ UPF (ultraviolet protection factor), the highest rating any fabric can achieve. The safety and comfort of today’s grower is the driving force behind RayWear Clothing Company. Growing is your passion, protecting you is ours.
Visit our Gear page to shop for comfortable, versatile light-protection options, or contact us directly here or send me a PM @RayWearCC for more information.