Extract distillation help needed!

Have any members here used a distillation kit with cannabis? I bought a small, home-use set a few months ago to extract the oil from rosemary, etc… and thought I would try it with cannabis to make my own oil tincture.
Unfortunately, there were no instructions with the kit, and the seller (from Amazon) has not been able to provide any assistance and, since I cannot channel Walter White, I have not yet used it.
Any suggestions and help are greatly appreciated!
The attached photo is the kit.


Use a digital hotplate instead of the open flame and Everclear as the solvent. Keep a fire extinguisher handy and do it outside with a lot of airflow. There are YouTube videos that show the process. I only use my setup like that to steam distill, to get terpines using RO or distilled water for making vape cartridges. To make oil I just decarb the weed then put it in the oil I want to infuse and heat and stir it for a couple of hours, that’s the cheap safe way to do it or get a Ardent Nova or FX and let it do all of the work for you!


So I don’t need this setup to make my own tincture? I already have some argan, joba, and rose hip oil, so are those OK to use with the decarb’d cannabis? What is the most effective method for decarb’ing that you have found?


Any oil that is safe to consume is good just add a teaspoon of Lecthin to it to bind the THC or CBD to the oil.

I use an Ardent FX to decarb and infuse my oil and tinctures, It wont stink up the house or the neighborhood. To decarb in an oven set the temperature on your stove to 220 degrees and bake on a cookie sheet for 30 to 45 minutes, it will turn your weed to a light brown color. If you use an instant pot you can use a mason jar with the mouth covered with aluminum foil and set it on high pressure for 40 minutes, it wont smell as bad in your kitchen.


Thank you very much! I will get one of those Ardent machines when I can afford it.


I love my Ardent FX. Note, don’t put alcohol in an Ardent it will become a pipe bomb if you do! If you get the silicone sleeve with it to make cleanup a breeze and nut milk bags to strain your oil through!


Whats your questions?
Here is my current set up. I use the same vac pump and chiller for both my rotoevap and my fractional dist set up. I use quick disconnects(qc) to switch things over quickly when I need.
Lately, Ive been playing around trying to make a better quality of rosin cart. Im getting there slowly. Lol


Nice! But why blackout the 2012 weed poster? It’s a cool one! :stuck_out_tongue:


Its a mirror my buddy made me with my farm logo and year we legaly established. I blacked itnout cuz you can see my dumb ass in the mirror taking the picture. Hahahahaha

Ignore My kief tumbler screen, thats there for me to clean it, not part of the lab. Hahahaha


I use the ardent fx for decarbing only. I use the magic butter machines for my infusions and such, depending what I am doing. Love them, no more old school strainers and crock pots. Hahaha hint of advice….no matter what device or method…go to magic butter machine site and grab those filter bags. They are like little mini bubble bags. Hahaha if you infuse butter, mct, coconit oil…the. You will thank me later. Hahaha those filter bags are awesoem and I get my products looking very very clean. Deffinately making top quality!!!


I have a magic butter machine that I use for large amounts of oil or butter. The Ardent FX is great for making less than 2 cups of oil or less than a pound of butter.


I like this setup! I wish I had space to replicate it!


I like that one has a stir arm and the other does not. I prefer stuff like my butter to be mixed and stirred in, then thoroughly filtered. Yum yum yum…speaking of edibles….We make gummies from scratch…sooooo freakin good…time for 2 gummies for anout a dose of 50mg. Hehehehe good times. I noticed the way we do gummies that 50mg of mine get me feeling way better then the 100mg gummies from a cali dispensary. I cant stand when they inject or spray onto the gummies, instead of doing a true infusion.


Whoa how much I would love to eat those gummies! They look NJUM! :astonished: :drooling_face: :drooling_face:


Good Grief Walter White, that is a set-up! Let me get some questions together and I will post them in a little while.


Great idea! @nacho151 Stupid question but do you put water in the bottom of Instant Pot or run it dry? I assume you use ground up herb? I have a Levo2 machine. I don’t like the way it decarbs. It takes a long time to heat up to decarb temp and really stinks up the place. I used the oven turkey bag method last time and it worked ok.


I put about 2 cups of water in it when I do that way. I use an Ardent FX now to do extracts. It will have a little smell when you open the Instant pot up, I usually open it outdoors when I decarb that way. I just throw the bud in to decarb then break them up to infuse. I almost forgot to add set the jar on a trivet,


This is really good for decarbing in an instant pot. You can get it at almost any oriental food store or off Amazon. Just ask for a cooked rice storage container. It has a silicone seal on the lid, make sure you put a heavy piece of twine over the lip before decarbing to help break the seal when it’s done or else you will have to punch a hole in the lid to break the seal.


Before the ardent fx, I was decarbing in the oven using baking dishes and dutch pans. I used to put my wireless temp gauge from my smoker in the dish. When it hit temp inside the dish is when I would fill it, put lid on, then back in oven to start decarbing. I used to wreck the smell in my house. Hahaha even made sure closet doors and stuff are closed to try and keep the smell from attaching to cloths and jackets. Hahahaha Now, with those ardents, i decarb on the counter or kitchen table and theres not much of a smell. Only when I take the lid on and off.


Yes, I like my Ardent FX. It’s a little pricey but worth it!