Feedback on our ZOOM machines

From Petaluma Hill Farms in CA

"Just slows the barrel speed down a little bit, and flowers come out perfect from one zoom. Double down, run them side-by-side, and double the output of production. And the flowers are perfect.”

From Black Diamond Cannabis in WA

“It’s was our first season with the zooms at Black Diamond Cannabis. They are amazing machines and have amazing customer service. Probably will double down on total machines for next year’s harvest. Zoom is the way to go for sure, you can’t have too many!”

“We couldn’t be happier with ZOOM trimmers and the Zoom team as well :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3:!! Positive vibes!!”

From Agrotech LLC in WA

We love Barry and Cindy at Zoom. They make a great piece of machinery.

From Organic Mellow Farms in CA

“We love our two machines 4th season for those work horses”


Id love to try one for some feedback!


Thanks Dennis! I’ll message you.
