First Grow - First Plant - First Troubles

I have Strawberry Cough. I soaked the seed in water for 72 hours, but it didn’t sprout much of a tail, but the seed did crack open. I decided to put it in a peat pellet and have been watering with a grow light about 2 inches from the top of the pellet. It has been almost 4 weeks and I can see the seed just breaking ground but nothing else.
Is this just a defective seed or should I have soaked it more until more of a tail was showing?

you kept the seed in water for 72 hours?

Why? Have you ever seen a plant grow from water? Algae maybe.

I alway moisten a paper towel and fold the seeds in it 24-72 hours it starts sprouting.

It’s not that you didn’t keep it in there long enough…you kept it in there too long. Seeds drown if you keep them in water too long. Here is how to do it. Get a glass of water, put a little seaweed kelp emulsion in the water you fill the glass up with about 1-2 cc/ml per GALLON of water. What that does is give it some emyzes and a little bit of nutes. I put a piece of paper towel over the seed when it floats when first put into the glass to hold it under the surface tension of the water. As soon as it sinks to the bottom get it out of the glass and put in-between very moist paper towels (no standing water) keep at 70 degrees and put in a dark place. Check them once or twice a day, as soon as you see the white tail coming out of the pointed end of the seed, put it in your starter cup. put a ziplock bag over the cup to keep the soil evenly moist but not wet and leave it until the seedling starts coming out of the soil, as soon as it does and the first two leaves spread out flat, take off the humidity dome. (ziplock). Don’t keep the light so close you overheat the plant, how close you put the light depends on the light.

Yeah that makes sense. I was trying to follow the directions from this page from a Grow Bible I got from the ILGM site.

Pages from Grow Bible.pdf (311.1 KB)

Alot to learn here @dakota and your starting to right from day one. Welcome to rabbit hole of weed growing freind! You’re going to be fine, send ILGM a quick email, they might take care of you. I sent you a small note in a PM. I know I started with a good soil out of the gate too. Inert soils are tough for us at first.

Hope this helps and dont be shy, we’ve all been here…:v:

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A pic would help but I have one thought.

Sometimes the seed needs some “assistance” being shed from the seedling. I believe @PreyBird1 was talking about a technique for this awhile back.

It should’ve broken ground by now tho…

I soak for 24 hours then do the paper towel method. Works every time.

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I got a seed right now thats doing this slow tail. If it doesnt pop out by tomorrow. Ill help it out of the shell.

Keep it simple when you can.

Moisten the paper towel fold the seeds in wait for them to sprout.

Had the same issue with my seeds from ILGM (they did reimburse me with a coupon code for 20 seeds)
I left them for 72 hours because they didn’t grow a tail. The seeds cracked but no growth after.
So I said piss on em and bought a seed starter kit with pellets. Dropped the Same strain of seeds on the pellets, gave them a shot of water, put the lid on and sat it on my furnace register. They were outgrowing the greenhouse by the end of the week.
Good luck to you!

I agree with that …to a point. I have always had better luck with germination rates soaking the seeds first to the point they sink in a glass of water. Then put them in the paper towels. They germinate faster and with a higher success rate. That is at least my experience. I also find that it speeds up the process by a day or two.

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I found that the water peroxide method works extremely well for me my last germination took under 18 hrs


I haven’t tried that yet, but I am going to on my next grow. Thanks for reminding me. Supposed to help older seeds the most. Which I have plenty of lol.


Your all good. Every single site tells you to do the same. You didn’t do anything wrong. sometimes the seeds are very hard to pop. I’ve used sandpaper, razorblades, crushing the hull, and presoaking in a hydrogen peroxide solution to get them to start.

This is a site of professional and hobbyist growers. So you will get many different styles to learn from. It is nice to have comfortable conversations about growing your medicines. We try to have empathy to all’s needs. love and caring is the way.

Let me be the first to Welcome you. Thank you for joining us here and growing our canna family. The more the merrier. We love to watch you grow. In every way!


i hadn’t heard of the peroxide method before, thanks for this.