Foreigner starting a cannabis farm

Hi all, Im from the uk and my question is. is it feasible for I and 4 of my friends to start a cannabis farm. I’ve read that the Thai government take into account of experience with either agriculture and medicinal. which neither of us would have other than book knowledge about growing cannabis but we wont have any prior experience with actually growing the plant. Any advice would be highly appreciated.

Thank you.


I believe a certain % of the company needs to be Thai owned


yes i believe it is 51% do you know how to get thai investors?


I think it will be a little more difficult without experience growing the plant. Usually you would want to have a business plan layed out. Cannabis is highly competitive and there are experienced growers moving to Thailand from around the world since they legalized and you will be competing against them.

Personally if I wanted to convince some investors I would show them what I can do and put together a basic business plan. It’s going to be extremely difficult going through all the learning curves while trying to stay open.


Hi @alfiebrown

Welcome to GN. Interesting topic of discussion and I think best is to keep an ear open for the latest changes in legislation. Its possibly going to be even more regulated in the near future and investing money into the market right now could be dangerous, but risky business I guess. Check the post below for a recent update.