Glasshouse production question

Here the question in the USA the USDA measures and supplies data for commodity crops. For example almost all countries producing corn and soy beans collect data on light, temperature, humidity and precipitation. This used in forecasting part of the health of the crop and perditions of potential yields and impacts.

In glasshouse production in the past this was not a reasonable thing to track. But, today prices on the instrumentation has come down to a reasonable price. Well under $500 for a recording weather station.

Anyone tracking total available lighting vs photosynthetic available light?
Anyone monitoring natural light available as a function of production results?
Anyone modifying nutritional and production schedules based on available light?
Anyone seeing issues with insufficient cooling impacting production?

Just looking for input.

From the voices in my head
Ethan Kayes
Old fart Horticulturalist trying to understand the need of the cannabis industry.