GN Poll: Our Growers Prefer Which Medium:

We want to get an idea in what medium our @memberdirectory is growing. In what medium do you grow?

  • Soil
  • Hydro
  • Coco
  • Special Blend

0 voters

Why do you grow in this medium? Have you grown in others? What makes your medium the best? Are you interested in trying out a new medium? Let’s chat about media!


Aeroponics- Clean Faster production and more precise controls of the parameters in a more urgent demeanor can be taken. Plants react faster to certain deficiencies and problems in environment. Not ideal but if you know what your doing and are attentive go for it. Love the system will never go back.


Interesting! Aeroponics requires a lot of precision tuning to get the system right – and those plants are not forgiving since their very sensitive rhizosome suspended in the air. How did you settle on the aeroponic system, @A1ColbyDuPont? Was there a learning curve for you? What other systems did you explore before choosing aero? Do you use a commercial setup or did you build your own?


I used a hydro farm setup 48 site for my first grow I did about a year of research before starting up and went around to different nutrient companies to depict which would be cleaner. I did my first run with the complete line of General Hydroponics with some other special ingredients as my mixture to spray roots. I would cycle 15 minutes of spray and 5 minutes of air to get the best root absorption of the nutrients and you could basically watch the roots grow with the right temp in the roots zone. Its crazy. I tried it just to challenge myself but found it to be very convenient for my style of approach.


At the moment I’m looking into the AEssence Atrium systems and Guardian grow manager.


Are you still running the GH nutes?


I run a mixture but yes I like a lot of the GH cleanest nutrient and derived from the best sources. Advanced Nutrient I used a couple products from them. and other additives through different stages of growth.


There are a lot of folks out there using GH. It does the trick for sure. Thanks for sharing!


Sure does! Glad to hear others are getting good results.

The best quality in structure I’ve seen was a small batch of Cocoa I grew in 5 gallon bags and used CYCO Coco coir and CYCO nutrients and I will say the consistency throughout the plant and bud structures were proportioned so well. The bottles are silver and look like dutch master bottles.


I would put our nutrients up against the cleanliness challenge! 100% soluble food grade powders. I do not have any people running Aeroponics with our system personally as a rep. It is not a very common set up. We also have some great coco blends for either indoor heavy feeding multiple times per day and a blend that holds moisture like a soil and is fully amended. Getting great feed back in every other system I can think of besides Aquaponics. That I have yet to see our products in use with. Have you ran any powdered nutrients in that system before?


I have tried but it requires so much cleaning due to residue build up just due to the conditions and variables of compounds your working with. The more movement of water the less messy; it’s the flash time in-between that the build up starts. Most gets washed away by the next nutrient solution. Hygrozyme has always been my best friend since introduced to it in Santa Rosa way back. I have used Great white and also Humbolt Nutrients Bloom Fish meal and high potash powder but I always mixed it into water with a whisk before I introduced it to the actual solution

you can run the areo system wide open also I think a lot of growers do and that is why they encounter problems because the roots have no time to thrive and Nutrient film to build on roots. instead they constantly beat the roos up and supply uneven moisture and air to the roots.


That is the beauty of our line. It is not a bunch of parts and we dissolve before adding to the reservoir. We send a protein shake bottle for breaking them down to our smaller guys. It takes about 30 seconds and our veg formula looks like water when mixed. Our bloom formula has a small amount of blue dye which we are removing. We had it in there purely to not confuse the two when broken down. But, we have made the decision to remove it and be clear with all parts. I have customers that have not had to clean their reservoirs after years of use due to build up. They clean them now just for sanitary reasons like any grow should do. However no grime or gunk after full seasons. We have a new booster now as well that is gaining a lot of weight along with trichome and terp production. What would you think about running a cycle to compare?


I will definitely give it a try I’m always open to new options thank you very much for reaching out to me and bringing this to my attention much appreciated!


These were mixed up on 500ppm scale to 1400ppm on left with our Grow and Base nutrient for veg and 2000ppm on the right with our Base and Bloom for flower. These will sit with no agitation for over a month with nothing settling or floating/building up. Super clean. PM me your address and and contact info and ill send you a care package to check out.


Very clean! That is awesome! thank you for the picture, much appreciated.