Going to the Denver Indo Expo----Looking for a meet up at your place

My company is going to be attending the Denver Indo Expo on January 27th and 27th. We would like to be able to tour/visit any area grow operations or dispensaries who would like to host us. We are just starting in the Cannabis industry and would like some hands on exposure to some operations in the industry.
I promise no sells attempts. Just would like to get some hands on experience.
Thanks in advance.

Sam J.


Let me lend a hand:

Hey, Colorado @growopowners, is anyone down to give a facility tour? Thanks so much!



We are going to be at Indo Expo too, potentially with a booth (nothing like last minute planning). Ideally we want to make the most of our trip over and arrange some meetings with local @growopowners and @mastergrowers about our product offering and service.

We are in Denver from the 23rd of January till the 30th and will be at the Expo, once I know which booth we will have I will update this with that info.

Would be great to meet other Growers Network members there.



Oh and if anyone has any recommendations for local to Denver printing services?

To save costs on excess baggage we want to get our banners and other printed material produced locally in Denver and then just collect it when we arrive or have it delivered to the hotel.